Jan Sikes

Monday #Motivation #Meditation #TarotReading

Welcome to the start of another week filled with powerful opportunities!

Created in Canva

The Chakra we are focusing on this week is the Solar Plexus. It is located in the upper area between the navel and diaphragm. It acts as our center of personal power. This chakra governs personality, ego, and identity, as well as personal freedom, choice, and authenticity. The solar plexus chakra also has much to do with motivation, willpower, and purpose, which stem from one’s sense of personal efficacy. Self-confidence and view of the self connect to the solar plexus chakra, as well. Furthermore, this chakra governs the digestive system and its respective organs; as a result, it has jurisdiction over both the gut’s emotional brain and stored emotions. You can wear the color yellow, carry or wear a yellow citrine gemstone, or get out in the sunshine to help bring awareness to this chakra. I found this short guided meditation to share with you.

Now for our weekly Tarot Reading.

It feels like we are in such a powerful time right now. Once again, I randomly drew cards from the Major Arcana, which affects the deepest aspects of our life lessons and karma. The first words that come to mind with The World card are, “All the world’s a stage.” This card represents unlimited opportunities. It is the final card in the Major Arcana and can also symbolize accomplishments and success. But for this reading, I just see it as a world full of opportunities for us to choose from. The Death card always symbolizes the end of something. Perhaps it’s walking away from what no longer serves you, or the death of old ideas and beliefs. It indicates transformation or transition. The ending of something old so that something new can begin. And in this layout, that is perfectly represented by The Fool. It indicates new beginnings, taking the proverbial leap of faith with innocence and bliss. The sun is shining on him as he nears the edge of the cliff and he’s carefree and trusting. So, to me, the overall take on this reading is this: The World is filled with opportunities waiting for us if we can only let go of what holds us back and no longer serves us. Then we take the leap of faith, trusting that our new beginning is going to bring us one step closer to what our heart truly desires in life. This is truly a powerful time of transformation. I can feel it.

If you’ve forgotten how I draw cards, you can refer back to this short video, but they are always random and always inspired. https://youtu.be/wvNEkIrVUgI

Make it a great week and I’d love to hear your comments on the Solar Plexus Chakra, the meditation and the reading!

36 thoughts on “Monday #Motivation #Meditation #TarotReading”

  1. Great reading this week, Jan. I liked that Death is the end but along with the Fool, it’s a new beginning. It seems like nothing is just a one-sided fact.

  2. Pingback: Monday #Motivation #Meditation #TarotReading – PattysWorld

  3. Jan, very interesting! This reading seems meant for me and it confirms that this move I’m making on Saturday is the right move. That validation is so important. I can’t wait to get this over and get settled into the new place. Hope you can come. Love you dearly, Sister.

    1. Absolutely, sister! I couldn’t have chosen more appropriate cards for you, but these were random and still so fitting for many, including myself. It was not easy to make the break with my old website provider and build a new one, but I did it and like The Fool, I’m blissfully happy! 🙂 Thank you for stopping by!

  4. D.L. Finn, Author

    This reading is perfect and a reminder to let go of what has been holding us back. A perfect chakra to go along with that too:) Now to enjoy the meditation, thank you, Jan!

    1. My pleasure, Denise! I’m so glad you enjoyed the post. Letting go is not easy. But most often, the reward is great! Thank you for stopping by!

  5. What a great post, Jan, I really enjoyed reading about this particular chakra. I love yellow, it is my favourite colour. The cards are a very interesting combination this week and your interpretation is fascinating.

    1. Oh, how wonderful, Robbie. It sounds like this is a Chakra you regularly enhance. Thank you for stopping by and I’m so glad you enjoyed the combination this week! Have a great week!

  6. Jan, I enjoyed this reading and the chakra meditation. I have been fascinated by chakras since I studied Reiki, and today had a bit of an epiphany. I have always somewhat disliked the color yellow, it just was my least favorite. Today, as I listened to the meditation and pictured that light as “golden,” I wondered if my issue with yellow is that I need work on that chakra, on my self confidence and self-worth. That made me wonder if colors we love or colors we don’t like may reflect chakras where we are strong or need work. Enjoyed this post. Thanks, Jan!

    1. That is a very good point, Maura Beth. When I do Chakra work, I always picture the Solar Plexus Chakra color as golden, and not yellow. To me, it is a more intense and powerful color. And, I hardly ever wear yellow. I always thought it didn’t match my skin tone, but maybe it is because that is my weakest Chakra. What wonderful thoughts to share and you have me something to think about. Also, how awesome that you did Reiki training! I did too and love using it in everyday life. I don’t use it on other people, but when I shop for food, I shop using Reiki to feel the energy of the food. Thank you SO much for stopping by and leaving these thoughts. Have a great week!

      1. Jan, I don’t use Reiki on others, except pre-pandemic I was doing Reiki shares with several other people. That was really nice and I look forward to getting back to that. I mostly use it on myself, especially to relieve stress. I love that you use it to select food!! What a great idea!

    1. I thought so too, Mae. When I draw these cards randomly, I’m always amazed at how they do all fit together. I have the photo in a frame sitting on my bookshelf and when I begin to have self-doubts, I take a look at it. 🙂 Thank you for stopping by!

  7. Love the picture of the cat. We were just saying yesterday how Bond imagines himself as a predatory black panther stalking his prey on the plains of Africa – all while hiding in the grass of our backyard, lol. I like how you point out the death card can be interpreted in several different ways.

    1. That’s a great comparison, Teri. When we value our self-worth and give ourselves some self-love, great transformations can happen! Thank you for stopping by and I’m glad you enjoyed the reading!

  8. Wow, what a great reading again. We need to overcome the challenge of ending something to live freely the possibilities life provides for us and which we are actually wanting to live.

    1. I am blown away by the way the Universe speaks through the cards, Erika. It often brings me to tears. It is a challenge to end something that is familiar, even if it isn’t for our best and highest good. But when we take that step, we have an entire team backing us up! Thank you for stopping by!

      1. Yes, exactly! Once we take the challenge and break through that wall of resistance to end something we only feel how much support we have.

  9. I love this reading! And once again, I can apply it to my life. I have been standing at a crossroads for a bit, unwilling to make a decision, but last night, I chose a path, to walk away from what no longer serves me. I am embracing my self-worth and looking forward to filling my life with those who value me. Great reading, Jan! I look forward to listening to the meditation later. 🙂

    1. I am doing a happy dance for you, Yvette. Walking away from what is familiar and going toward the unfamiliar is uncomfortable and hard. I am proud of you, my friend! And YES, self-worth is so important. You are a valued and unique human being and I am so happy that the Universe allowed me to know you! Have a great week and sending virtual warm hugs!

    1. Thank you, Joan. I loved it too, and I have that picture of the kitty and lion in a frame on my bookshelf. I look at it often. Have a great week!

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