Jan Sikes

Monday Motivation #Meditation #TarotReading #AngelOracleCard

Hallelujah! I’m back! I think everything has been migrated over, and at least for now, it looks like it’s all working. I pray that it stays that way. This has been a struggle. But I found this inspiring quote that might help as we are all fighting our own battles, whether it be our health (which is my battle today), mental well-being, technology woes, job dismay or any plethora of troubles life can bring our way. So, this quote from Hank Aaron touched me. Just keep swinging!

Because I have been so sick, I found this meditation to be beautifully uplifting. A full body restoration.

Now for the message from the cards for this week.

Tarot Card Reading Photo

The Seven of Wands can carry a couple of different meanings. It can indicate having to stand up for your beliefs, or being assertive. It can also indicate a defensive position in that you are having to defend your stance. It deals with unforeseen challenges and obstacles that arise on your path. Being courageous in the face of adversity and listening to your intuition is the best way to handle these pressures and will increase your success.

The Seven of Pentacles can depict a time of growth. Tend to your garden, knowing it is abundant and will feed you for years to come before you see the fruits of your labor. The word ‘patience’ comes to mind. When you pause to look at your progress, do so with gratitude rather than frustration. You’re being asked to remember that the journey toward achievement is an adventure, not a destination. Trust that when the time is right, the fruits of your labor will be perfectly ripe and celebration will be in order.

The King of Pentacles is the ultimate depiction of stable and grounded masculine energy. This card can represent a person with financial stability, generosity and drive. That person may be you. It can also represent the energy of a situation requiring you to take a leadership role, make financial decisions on behalf of yourself or others, or take action reaching a goal.


I can most certainly relate to the Seven of Wands and having to face some difficulties, not only with moving my blog here, but also being physically ill (which ironically may be tied together. I love the Seven of Pentacles card and the analogy about tending to your garden and having patience while it grows. Writing a book requires a tremendous amount of patience, especially when life throws obstacles in your way. But with the King of Pentacles, success is predicted. Of course, as always, we have to do the work. I hope you can relate to the cards in some way or another. Let me know!

I got tears in my eyes when this Angel card showed up today. So often, in hard times, we feel alone. This is reassurance that we are indeed not alone. Remember this scripture from Psalms? He has put his angels in charge of you to watch over you wherever you go.

Angel Therapy
Archangel Raphael: "Give your cares and worries to us angels, and allow us to take your burdens."

I wish you a great week ahead! I have a blog up at STORY EMPIRE today and would love for you to stop by!

23 thoughts on “Monday Motivation #Meditation #TarotReading #AngelOracleCard”

  1. Hi Jan, I am late but in retrospect, this reading fits my week perfectly from beginning to end. What a week of challenges it has been, but I am getting on top of everything now. Hooray! Have a great weekend.

    1. I am so glad to hear you’re getting on top of everything, Robbie. It seems every time I think I’m on top of the pile, I slide off. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Jan, your blog looks great and works well for me! Congratulations and it is an unnerving time to change it and hope everything comes along! As this all is looking good, I hope your health woes are also over. The card reading is moving and one I can definitely relate to! Wishing you a good start to the week! Xx

    1. Yay! Thank you, Annika. I am so glad you were able to find the post and glad you enjoyed the reading. I am feeling better as this virus works its way out of me. It’s been a tough one, but all is on the upswing.

  3. I can identify with that quote, Jan – mine has always been “Just keep swimming!” Can you tell I watched Finding Nemo? Hope your troubles are over and you’re feeling better!

    1. I loved Dory in Finding Nemo. She was such a great character. We have to keep putting one foot in front of the other. Never know what’s ahead. I’m glad you enjoyed the post and I am sweeping these blogging troubles under the rug. I’m done worrying about it. I am starting to feel better. I think today is a turning point. Thank you so much for taking the time to visit and leave a comment, Teri.

  4. I love the Hank Aaron quote. I was privileged to see him play one time (after the broke the home run record). So sorry about all your blog woes and I pray you feel better soon! Love the angel card.

  5. I enjoyed the reading today, Sister, and glad you felt up to doing one. Please try not to worry about things. They’ll all work out somehow. You have to take care of you right now and that’s the bottom line. Love you dearly.

  6. D.L. Finn, Author

    I love this week’s message, Jan. It is so easy to feel isolated when not feeling well, I agree and that angel card is the perfect reminder we really aren’t. Sending you healing hugs xo

    1. It’s true, Denise. We feel like we are totally alone, but the angels are always close by. Thank you for the healing hugs. I appreciate your support!

    1. Thank you, Jacqui. I will eventually be well. 🙂 I’m not a good patient. Glad you enjoyed the message today and thank you for coming over!

  7. I love, love, love this quote by Hank Aaron! Sending healing prayers your way, Jan. Thank you for an uplifting post for this week, as always. Hugs!

    1. Thank you, Mary. Gotta keep swinging, no matter what! I’m wondering. Did you re-subscribe to the new blog site? And did you receive an email notification? I lost all of my subscribers in the migration, so am wondering how you saw the post. This has been the most frustrating technology chore I’ve ever attempted.

  8. Thank you, Staci. Yes. I have been SO sick for the past few days. Lung congestion, sinus issues and just feeling lousy. This is the sickest I’ve been since I had COVID three years ago. I appreciate you leaving a comment.

  9. I didn’t realize you’ve been sick on top of dealing with blog headaches. I’m so sorry, Jan. Hope you’re feeling better. And that your tech woes are behind you.

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