Hello, November! This year is flying past. The theme for this week’s post is all about using our full potential. My thanks to Author, Erika Kind for the quote for the week.

The meditation today truly inspired me and I hope it will have the same effect on you. Let’s unlock our highest potential!
The reading for the week comes from the Tarot Cards and when I was pulling them, an extra one popped out, so I am going with it.

The Page of Swords is an action card and it is sitting in the past position. It is full of enthusiasm and passion. Perhaps you started a new project full of anticipation and excitement. The challenge with this card is to keep up the momentum. The Page of Swords often emerges when you are exploring a new way of thinking – a new idea, a new perspective, new knowledge, or a new technique. I don’t know about you, but with all of the craziness around the world, a new perspective is often necessary for peace of mind.
Next, in the present position, The Two of Wands takes a spark of inspiration and turns it into a clear action plan. It is the exact opposite of the sword in that it is contemplation rather than action. You look to the future and take in all possibilities before taking a step. It is more about long-term goals. The Twos in Tarot often represent decisions of some sort. With this two, you may make a choice between sticking with what you know or taking a risk.
In the future position, we have the Five and Seven of Cups. The Five of Cups can often indicate the feeling of disappointment or failure. But at the same time, is telling us to look away from what we might consider to be a failure and instead focus on new possibilities or opportunities. We’ve had the Seven of Cups before, and you may remember that symbolizes endless choices and possibilities. There is so much to choose from, yet it comes with a warning of caution in your decision. Make wise choices. Often, the Seven of Cups can be a sign of wishful thinking and projecting into the future about what you would like to create, rather than taking action here in the present to make it happen. Now is a time to focus on the one thing that will move you closer to your goal; resist the temptation to get side-tracked with other ideas as they arise. If need be, note your ideas as they come up, but stay focused on the one thing you’re doing.
My Takeaway:
With fresh enthusiasm and passion for a project, we are asked to look at the long-term goals, or the bigger picture before taking any action. At the same time, we are cautioned not to focus on what we might perceive to be failures or disappointment but, instead, look at the opportunities presented to us and make wise choices and unlock our highest potential. Make it a great week!
Another gorgeous Dragon Card message for the week!

I just noticed that you added my quote. OMG, when I read your post I was so focused on the reading that I must have overlooked it. So, a little late but from my heart: Thank you very much, dear Jan 💖
Lol, Erika. Yes, I used your quote and several people commented on it. It hit home and fit perfectly with the theme of this post!
Sorry again, that I did not recognize it 😂
But seriously, I feel very honored. Thank you so much. 💖
I saw that you linked to my blog. But I have not gotten a pingback. The reason is that you linked to my home page. I learned that a pingback only works with linkinh to a post (or maybe a different page than the home page). I thought, I’d let you know, just in case.
Another great reading, Jan! I really feel this one this week. It’s my final week at my current job, and I start a new adventure on Monday with a new company. Thank you for sharing with us. I can’t wait until the next reading! 🙂
How exciting, Mar! I wish you all the best! Thank you for stopping by!
I really like your summary of the four cards, Jan. I suppose the cards suggest caution and care. Not a gleeful reading, but a certainly a way forward. And a wonderful meditation. That was a treat. <3
My pleasure, Diana. And yes, the cards suggest caution, thinking it through before acting. It’s great advice for me as I tend to leap first, and think later. 🙂 I appreciate your comment!
Me too. 😀
I always look forward to Mondays to see what the week’s reading is. This one is very interesting and I can’t wait to see how my life is affected. Great job. Love you, sister.
I’m so glad you are enjoying the Monday posts, sister. I agree that this one is very interesting. The energy from the Page of Swords is inspiring and coincidentally, my card for November that I pulled at the first of the year is the Page of Swords. 🙂 I love confirmations like that. Thank you for stopping by! I love you!
I think your takeaways are spot on, Jan. Thanks for sharing!
My pleasure, Jill. Thank you for stopping by!
So, that is a very special reading again. I love how the 7 of cups showed up to give the 5 of cups a deeper and clearer meaning.
I did too, Erika. And it definitely balanced out the reading. Thank you for stopping by!
Yes, it was important that the card popped out too. Always impressive again to see how they speak to us and even find their way if they “think” it is necessary.
Good morning! What an uplifting post. Perfect reading for the journey I’m on, Jan. Have a lovely week! 🙂
Wonderful, Mary! Thank you for leaving a comment today!
Hi Jan, these certainly are great cards and messages to start a new week.
Thank you, Robbie. I’m so glad you found the messages inspiring!
Perfect way to start a new month, Jan 🙂 I love when extra cards make into the reading. It is all a matter of how we look at things.
That is so true, Denise. Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment today!
Another inspiration reading, Jan. Happy November!
I’m glad you enjoyed it, Joan. Thanks for leaving a comment!
Great reading and reminder to remain positive, Jan. Thanks.
Every day, all day, John! Thanks for stopping by!
I always enjoy these readings, Jan. They inspire me for the week. And another gorgeous dragon!
Oh, wonderful, Teri! I’m so glad you enjoy them and that they help you get started on another week. I agree about the dragon card! Thanks for stopping by!
Reblogged this on GrannyMoon's Morning Feast.
Again, thank you, Granny Moon, for sharing!
A great takeaway, Jan! These days we need to hold tight to glimmers of hope and flashes of love. 😊
I love that, Gwen – Glimmers of Hope and Flashes of Love!! Perfect! Thank you for stopping by! Hugs!
It’s all about perspective, isn’t it? Choosing to see opportunities instead of failures and disappointments takes effort, but the reward is worth it. Great post, Jan! 😊
It always comes down to that, Yvette. A shift in perception can change the entire course of a life. I was happy to see the other card pop out because I wouldn’t have wanted to leave the week ahead filled with disappointments and failures. Thank you for stopping by! Have a great week!
Lovely reading and cards, and I love the quote at the top of the page. Thanks for sharing, Jan. Hugs 💕🙂
My pleasure, Harmony! Thank you for stopping by!
Great reading this week. How nice to get a bonus card! And you’re right; another lovely dragon. Thanks, Jan.
Thank you, Staci. I’m glad you enjoyed the post and I was happy to see the extra card and not leave us with the feeling of disappointment. 🙂 Have a great week!