Happy first Monday of February! I hope the week ahead brings productivity and joy to each of us. I fell in love with this quote. Maybe you will too. It made so much sense to me.

The meditation I chose for today uplifted me and made me fall in love with my true self. After all, love starts within and if we don’t love ourselves, how can we hope to love anyone else? Ten minutes of your day is all this meditation requires, but the benefits are unlimited.
For the tarot reading, once again, we have cards all from the same suit and that’s rare.

All Swords! Swords are symbolic of thoughts, ideas, and the words you speak, as well as written communication.
The Ace of Swords represents the gift of clarity and new ideas being presented to you. It points to bright ideas, mental clarity, and the instant insight needed for swift action. This new or emerging idea may require swift action to come to fruition. It could be that an important conversation with someone needs to happen that will lead to a more advantageous outcome. Trust your intuition to guide you toward the next action steps. This is an encouraging sign!
The Page represents the enthusiasm and eagerness of a young person to learn. This energy is urging you to pay attention to subtle messages surrounding you, urging you to move forward with measured caution. Communication, fresh perspectives, and opportunities to engage your mind surround you right now. While you may be feeling somewhat apprehensive, something is begging you to follow your enthusiasm. Creating a solid plan before you begin will help boost your confidence.
Sorry, folks. I messed up. The last card is not the King of Swords, but the regal Queen. The meaning is only slightly changed, infusing feminine energy into it. She can represent an actual person in your life or it can be yourself. Her characteristics are protection, fairness, and balance when making decisions. This card asks you to approach complex situations by formulating a logical response instead of an emotional reaction. Use your intuition to guide you. (We hear that a lot, don’t we?)
This is a powerful reading for authors, as our minds are where all the stories begin. So, looking ahead to the coming week, I’d say it’s a great time to get in some word count, maybe make an outline (yes, I said that dreaded word) and to move forward with confidence, trusting your voice. After all, no one can tell a story the way you can. I don’t know about you, but I needed this boost!
Our little dragon has a message to share. I love that last line, “Express your inner song.” Isn’t that what we do through our stories? And trusting our intuition seems to be an ongoing message from all the cards.

Make it a positive, powerful week! It’s a choice.