Happy Tuesday, everyone. If you celebrated the Labor Day holiday, I hope you enjoyed the break! I certainly did.
Do you need to manifest a miracle in your life? This short meditation helps with that process.
The cards for the month of September have both a light and heavy feel to them.
I will start with the light. The Ace of Pentacles is, as with all of the aces in the deck, representative of something new. It truly represents a prosperous new beginning, an opportunity or gift from the Universe. It may indicate you are taking the first steps toward increasing prosperity. This card sits in the ‘What you need to know’ position. The message is that you have what it takes to increase your prosperity or fill your cups of abundance. The ball is in your court. As always it’s up to us to take inspired action.
I always cringe when I see The Tower card. Somehow, for this month, it immediately made me think of the 9-11 attack and the towers that fell. It sits in the ‘New Perspective’ position and serves as a reminder that what is breaking down is making room for something new and better. A sudden change can often make us feel as if everything around us is crumbling, but it’s a time to hold steadfast to our faith (whatever that may look like for each of us) and trust that we are taken care of. There is a new day dawning, and the new structures will support your growth and expansion.
What a beautiful card to fall into the ‘Action to take’ position. The Knight of Cups is a wonderful action card. The wings on his helmet and feet show his connection to the element of air(see the dragon card below). This Knight encourages us to take a look at the motivation behind our actions. Are we doing something purely for recognition and attention? It’s easy to get swept up into our emotions and idealize a person or situation. So, the admonishment here is to take it slow and let your deeper emotions and instincts guide you. Slowing down will allow you to see a person or situation more clearly and recognize how they fit into your life plan.
Be open to new opportunities that may come your way out of the blue, and know that the action you take will bring prosperous results. To me, the Tower card in the major arcana represents a much larger picture than just our day-to-day lives. No, I don’t think each of us is going to suffer some disaster this month. I do think it represents the worldwide turmoil we see all around us and the breaking down of systems, beliefs, and old ways of thinking in general. The good news is that there is a new day dawning and new structures arising that are more aligned with the goodness of our beautiful planet and all who inhabit it. The Knight of Cups brings emotions to the forefront and challenges us to look at the reasons we do certain things. If we always come from a place of love within, our outward actions will reflect that. Sorry. That’s a long takeaway, but this is a powerful group of cards.
Your thoughts?
This gorgeous little dragon is one that hasn’t popped up before. I love and embrace the message, and doesn’t it make a beautiful wrap-up to the tarot reading?
Also, a reminder that I am actively doing tarot readings for the public and have a few spots open this week. If you, or anyone you know, needs a little clarity, guidance, or advice, remember the cards never lie. JanTarot