Jan Sikes

Monday Motivation – Shaking it up!

Good morning, beautiful souls. I have given a lot of thought to my Monday posts and going forward, I will be making some changes. I will still do a monthly tarot reading, but not weekly. I think we’re all getting a little burnt out on them and need something different. So, here’s what I came up with for today. I absolutely love this quote from Mr. Longfellow!

Created in Canva

Instead of a meditation, I’m sharing an uplifting short story. Let’s be the best pencil we can be!

A deck of cards I have had for years and never shared anywhere is my Goddess Oracle Cards. I always hesitated to share because the cards are primarily geared toward women. However, there are Universal truths for both men and women so I’m sharing today. The quote on this card makes me think of another, “One dream must die to let another live…”

Endings and Beginnings
"The old must be released so that the new can enter."

I hope you took away some tidbit of inspiration from today’s post. I don’t know what these will look like going forward, but I am asking Spirit to lead. Have a great week!

28 thoughts on “Monday Motivation – Shaking it up!”

  1. Pingback: Reading Through the Soul May 12- 18, 2024 – Writing Through the Soul to Heal the Soul

  2. HI Jan, to me, this card speaks to choices. None of us can have everything in life, we always have to choose how to spend our time. I chose not to be a partner at my firm, but rather to spend more time with my family and my various creative endeavors. I do not regret it at all. I think I would become depressed if I had nothing but work, work, work.

    1. I can see where this card can directly relate to choices, Robbie. And you are right. No one can have everything in life. How we choose to spend our allotted time here in this body is super important. I totally agree with your choice to spend more time with family and creative endeavors than climbing the career ladder. Thank you for your comment!

  3. All three carry strong messages, but i like the 5 things in the pencil story best. If we open our hearts to learning from others, we can soar- love that.

    1. That is so true, Jacquie. That little story really inspired me. I’m glad you enjoyed the post. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment!

  4. I love that card Jan. And according to the numerous readings I’ve, it sounds pretty bang on. Out with the old and bring on the new. <3

  5. Looks like you guys fixed the problem, Jan. I love that quote. I think that is the best thing to do. There’s nothing to be gained by complaining.

    The story was nice. Lot’s to take away from that. Thanks.

    1. Yes, Dan, the problem was apparently a broken plugin. Always something with technology. I’m glad you enjoyed the quote and the story. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment!

    1. You are so right. Life is full of changes and when we can roll with them, everything gets easier. Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving a comment!

  6. Great quote and card reading. I’m definitely shedding the old and starting something new. Thanks, Jan! Have a fabulous week! xo

  7. The Longfellow quote is fabulous, Jan. How freeing is that! And the Kali card is perfect for any day. My brain is stuffed with old sh*t and I need to clean it out so I can keep some of my short-term memories. 🙂 Now, I’m off to listen to the story. Hugs.

    1. I’m glad you enjoyed the quote, Diana. I loved it! I so relate to my brain being stuffed with old stuff I no longer need. And I do believe that to make room for something new, something else has to go. Thanks so much for stopping by and hope you enjoy the pencil story!

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