Jan Sikes

#MondayMotivation – #Meditation – #TarotReading #DragonOracleCard #AngelOracleCard

The quote I am sharing today hit me in a powerful way. Think about it. How often do we find ourselves being silenced and denied? How can we grow and flourish under such duress? I do not want to ever turn my blog space into a political arena. But the overturning of Roe vs. Wade just set women back a hundred years – silenced and denied. I have never believed the government had any right to dictate what a woman can and can’t do with her body. So, this is not political, but social.

Shared from Inspiring Quotes

This meditation is perfect for finding your hidden strength.

Consulting the Tarot cards brought rather confusing results, so I’ll try my best to interpret them in a general way that hopefully everyone can relate to.

Photo by Jan Sikes

The Eight of Pentacles is a card of apprenticeship and mastery. When this card appears in a Tarot reading, you are working hard to improve your skills and become a master at what you do. It may indicate further education or study in order to hone your skills. More broadly, the Eight of Pentacles suggests you are working away at the finer details of the various aspects of your life, in an effort to continuously improve your situation. You may be unhappy with your current state, and you know you need to make some important changes in your life to increase your overall satisfaction. This card is a positive sign that you are committed to making those changes and to ensuring that you give yourself the best possible chance. Overall, this is a very hard-working and conscientious energy that is present in your life. Keep doing what you are doing as it will eventually lead to success.

The Two of Wands indicates you are exploring your options and carefully plotting out the path ahead, accounting for all possibilities and potential challenges. You are open to growth and exploring new territories, so long as you maintain a level of certainty that your efforts will work out in the end. It is important that you establish a clear plan before moving ahead. Contemplation, introspection, and expansion are the keywords for this card. The Twos in Tarot often represent decisions of some sort. With this two, you may make a choice between sticking with what you know or taking a risk. 

The Seven of Cups is all about choices, opportunities, and at times, illusions. Often, the Seven of Cups can be a sign of wishful thinking and projecting into the future about what you would like to create, rather than taking action here in the present to make it happen. This card is inviting you to move out of the ideas and options phase and choose. Each will have its pros and cons – it’s up to you to make sure that the option you select is in alignment with your purpose and your Highest Good – even if you feel somewhat paralyzed by the options available to you.


I struggled with this reading because the question I approached it with, was regarding human rights. But the cards took me down another path, which tells me the situation and question I had in mind are out of my control. And isn’t that true? So, going with the cards, we are encouraged to keep honing our craft, to stick with what we know while contemplating the future and what it may or may not hold for us. We always have certain choices in life and it is wise to look at those choices through realistic eyes.

Your thoughts?

I absolutely love this Dragon card, but then I love them all. 🙂

Photo by Jan Sikes

Still feeling the need for a bit more, I drew from my Angel Oracle Card deck and this is what came up.

Photo by Jan Sikes

There you have it. I hope you make it a great week ahead and try to look past the crazy world for something uplifting and positive.

50 thoughts on “#MondayMotivation – #Meditation – #TarotReading #DragonOracleCard #AngelOracleCard”

  1. I think your angel oracle card was the right message. All is as it is – for now. The other cards also know the winds are blowing up a storm, but it’s all about the purge, the resistance, and the final end of the patriarchy. We must go through the shyte before the calm. Right now your country is living in the dark ages, but women will change that. Just hold on through the storm. <3

    1. Yes, women will change that. But I think the frustration is, we’d already changed it. The work had already been done and now we’re thrust backward yet again.

      And if life is a wheel as some believe does this mean we are always going to be recycling? If so, does it represent as in stories such as Stephen King’s The Dark Tower series or as Abraham Hicks teaches, that we have to repeat until we see the mistakes that took place to cause the backward motion and get it right? If this is true do we ever get it right?

      The cards say to me, let the universe take care of some of what’s happening in my life IE our lives, so what is the real answer?

      This is not really political, the politicians only use the circumstances provided them as a springboard. And after all, don’t we all do that in some way or another?

      I believe the cards Jan has drawn for the last month or so are pointing us in the directions each one must take. And we are seeming to do so. But how do we create the right sort of ripple affect to spread out into the world?

      1. I think you’re on the right track Patty. It’s not political it’s the universe talking, only politicians have to twist things to their vision. I’d like to think it’s Abraham Hicks. But recycling and a purge it definitely is. I wish I had a crystal ball. All I know is I feel the world spinning. <3

    2. Thank you for your comment, Debby. I agree that we must trust the Universe for the unfolding at the perfect time. It’s coming!

        1. I’ve often wondered if Todash which is written of in The Dark Tower series could be real. Are there possibly alternate universes all spinning with similar yet different lives happening all at once with only one real key world in which things happen that cannot be changed with all the rest being the possible outcomes.

          I know, I read too much fantasy. LOL.

  2. I see another take on your reading, Jan. You felt that the cards took you on a different path away from human rights, but I still feel as if the cards are speaking to you. Your craft is writing and spreading a message. While honing that craft, you have choices in what message to spread and how to use your voice. Perhaps you can choose to work on a local level to make sure your voice (and your vote) make a difference. Who we choose to be in leadership positions will shape what kind of future we all will have. Just a thought… 🙂

    1. That is a lovely thought, Yvette. And I agree about the message and voice in writing. I always want my stories to have some sort of positive message. Thank you so much for your thoughtful comment. Have a great week!

  3. I know what you mean, Jan. I can’t handle political or religious discussions. Even when I know the others agree with me it’s still difficult. Yet keeping quite (at least on my blog) about this horrific thing is so hard.
    Thanks for the reading. I haven’t done one of my own in quite a while. I need to get back into it. Hugs on the wing.

    1. It’s always enlightening, Teagan. The cards never lie and there is always food for thought in them. Thank you so much for your comment. Hugs!

  4. I love that quote. I’ve lost a lot of friends in the last few years for speaking my truth, even though always in a non-judgmental way. I do see Roe vs. Wade as life-saving, protecting our unborn. The law is still there, just at a state level. In California, where I live, nothing will change. Of course, I can’t talk to anyone about this because few will listen. Sigh.

    1. To me, it is not a matter that should involve government on any level, Jacqui, but that’s just my humble opinion. Mainly, I hate to see more freedoms taken away. But as the cards say, I am going to keep doing what I do, continue honing my craft and creating worlds for others to escape into. Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving a comment. Hugs!

      1. I sure agree with you on that, Jan. It’s personal! And yes, the loss of more freedoms. Maybe this is why I like mountain man stories so much–they really lived by their own very-moral code.

  5. petespringerauthor

    We all need order in our lives, and we teach our children to follow their aspirations and dreams. Yet, sometimes when things happen that don’t make sense and are out of our control, it’s hard to keep pushing forward.

    1. True words, Pete. And yes, as the cards advise, if we just keep doing what we’re doing, honing our craft, and making good choices, it will all work out. Thank you for stopping by!

  6. Gwen M. Plano

    Another great reading, Jan. Thank you. We move forward, step by step. 😊

  7. What a powerful reading, Jan. And once again, all of it just fits together. My heart has been heavy lately, and not just with the political side of things. I feel like we’re living in such a negative place right now. It’s too much for an empath to bear. Your reading, though, gives me hope. Things usually have a way of working out and coming together in the end.

    1. It is a very difficult climate for an empath right now with all the horrible things going on in the world. I am happy the reading gave you a little lift, Mar. We must keep on keeping on. That is our responsibility. Take care and keep looking for the positives!

  8. Your takeaway in the greater context is so profound and I came to the conclusion too lately… what a confirmation. But also in particular the cards speak to me, confirm my efforts and direction, and motivate me to keep it going. Thank you for what you are doing here, Jan.

    1. It is truly my pleasure, Erika, and it always makes me feel I’m on the right track then readers confirm that the post resonates with them on some level. I seek divine guidance with these and do not take it lightly. I do think the reading is spot on for dealing with troubling times. Keep doing what we’re doing, honing our craft, and staying positive! Thank you for your comment!

      1. That’s how I saw it. I was getting a little nervous whether I will be able to realize my schedule (since not everything is in my hands). but your reading grounded me and gave me a lot confidence (and patience) back.

  9. D.L. Finn, Author

    That last card sent a chill through me. I have been thinking about what is going on. No matter what I believe and is right for me, I don’t feel I have the right to impose that on others. I feel like that is what is being done and will continue on many levels. We seem to go from one extreme to another with no thought to logic at all. I have two daughters one on each side arguing and the men offering opinions I’m not ready to hear. Strange times.

    1. Very strange times, Denise. If you watched The Handmaid’s Tale, you may see eery resemblances with what is going on now. It’s disturbing, but the last card says it all and it gave me some peace. I send love and light to everyone on the planet and hope they find what they each need in these troubling times. Thank you for your comment.

  10. brodaylinda932

    Jan, I can’t help but think that subconsciously the movie Elvis influenced this reading. This would’ve been perfect for him and given him a way forward when he saw none. Just my thoughts. As for me, my decision is made and I have a clear path forward. Love you, sister.

    1. That’s always a good feeling, to know you have a clear path forward. It takes the stress and guesswork out of it. I don’t know that the movie affected this reading as it was not on my mind when I pulled the cards. I was thinking more of the events last week in government. Thank you for stopping by and I’m glad you enjoyed the post! Love you!

  11. This is a powerful message for the week, Jan. Your Angel card resonated within me. Thank you!

    1. I liked that too, Jill. So often, we think we are doing it wrong or need to change something. And sometimes, we do. But it was comforting to get that message. Thank you for stopping by!

  12. I always love your dragon cards. They are lovely. I loved the Angel card, too. I take those messages to heart today. I think we could all benefit from higher learning, wisdom, and order.

    1. Most assuredly, Staci. I love the cards, too, and I draw from them when I need a lift or some guidance and they never fail me. I’m so glad you enjoyed today’s post. Thank you for leaving a comment!

  13. While everything around us seems to have gone crazy, it’s important to keep our focus. I love the quote about friends. Thanks, Jan.

    1. Thank you, Joan. I think it’s beyond evident at this point that the U.S. Government is NOT our friend. And I agree. It’s important to keep our focus on something, anything positive! I appreciate your comment!

  14. Good morning, Jan.
    As always, a great reading. I too, asked a question before opening your post. The cards you drew, put me in my place. They told me without doubt there are certain things I have control over and others which I don’t.
    I see here, I do have choices, and there are things I can do. I realize I made some incorrect turns along the path and that’s why I am where I happen to be at the moment so now, I have to figure out whether to try and backtrack or go forward.
    When a blind person takes O&M (Orientation and Mobility) training, we’re taught not to backtrack, but rather go forward until we find another familiar landmark. So, I suppose now that I’m on this portion of my path, I must remain.
    Anyhow, great reading.
    I would, however, love to know about the last two cards you showed pictures of. There is no alt text with them, so I’ve no idea what they look like.

    1. Oh, I’m so sorry, Patty. The last two cards I shared were the Crytal Yellow Dragon card and an Angel Oracle Card titled “Divine.” The words on the Angel card really hit home with me. “Everything is how it needs to be right now. Look past the illusion, and see the underlying order.” You can never go back. Only forward, my dear! Onward through the fog! Thank you for your beautiful comment.

      1. Oh WOW! Well, that answers a question for me. As I wrote earlier, I’ve been struggling with where I may have gone wrong which caused me to end up here but today, I also had another experience which kind of let me know, this is exactly where Mother Father God would have me. Thanks so much for that description.

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