Welcome to another Monday of inspiration. My sincere hope is that you take something positive away from this post.

I wanted to start this week off with a mental clarity and found this beautiful meditation to help assist with that. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
I love this week’s Tarot reading.

I get excited when I see The Fool come up in a reading. He is so carefree, on an adventure, and about to step blindly off the edge of a cliff. He is also the first card in the Major Arcana. It is a card of new beginnings, opportunities, and potential. The time is NOW! Take that leap of faith, even if you do not feel 100% ready or equipped for what is coming. This is a time of great potential and opportunity for you right now. The world is your oyster, and anything can happen. Use your creative mind with a dash of spontaneity to make the most of this magical time and bring forth your new ideas in powerful ways.
The Four of Pentacles reigns in The Fool just a little with a conservative approach and attitude toward money. It also comes with an admonition to steer clear of the “scarcity” thought pattern. The broader lesson with the Four of Pentacles is to honor and respect money and wealth but don’t become so attached that you lose sight of what’s most important to you: friends, family, happiness, and love.
The Lovers card is another energetic and exciting card. Most people look at it from the physical aspect of having or finding a new lover. But a deeper meaning is in regards to relationships in general and approaching them with open and honest communication. It can also indicate getting clear about your values and beliefs. You are figuring out what you stand for and your philosophy. At its heart, The Lovers is about choice. The choice about who you want to be in this lifetime, how you connect with others and on what level, and about what you will and won’t stand for.
MY TAKEAWAY: Beginning a new project with enthusiasm and oblivious energy is such an incredible feeling. For me, it applies on the writing level, as I am beginning a new series that is different from anything I’ve written. I’m taking that leap of faith and diving head-first off the cliff. Respecting and taking care of your money is a must in life, as is open and honest communication. So, I hope you will each take the energy of these three cards into your week and implement them in all of your actions.
I’d love to hear your thoughts.
And for the Dragon Card, we have this gorgeous reminder about giving and receiving.

Loved this hopeful reading Jan, and how exciting it must be to be writing something out of your comfort zone. I’m currently loving your Flowers and Stone. Even though our life stories are different, we both once had the greatest loves of our life, they were both older, and we both lost them. That’s a kinship 🙂 I understand that kind of love well, which was what drew me to the book. <3
Awwww, your comment just brought tears to my eyes, Debby. Thank you so much for reading Flowers and Stone. Yes, lives are different, but love is the same. It’s been almost 13 years for me. Nothing ever completely fills the void. Sending virtual hugs to you, my sister friend.
Thank you Jan. I don’t have to live 13 years to know I will never get over the loss if I lived 100 more years. I think only, eventually, we learn to live with it whichever learning path we continue on to because we don’t have any choice but to learn and to move on. Love is eternal, and grief is just love that has no place to go. So I believe we carry that with us for the rest of our days. <3
I’m just getting around to Monday’s reading today. Lol! Congrats on your new adventure, Jan! I’m sure anything to write will be amazing. I look forward to hearing more about your new journey. 🙂
Thank you, Yvette. Busy times. 🙂 I am looking forward to trying something new. I’m glad you stopped by!
This sounds like a great reading, Jan. Bravo for ‘diving off the cliff’. I am a great believer in challenges, change, and new beginnings.
Thank you, Robbie. It is exhilarating to try something new. I am truly that Fool, stepping off the cliff and believing in a soft landing. 🙂
There is a saying, Jan, nothing ventures, nothing gained. Wishing you all the best.
A postive reading today, Jan 🙂 I love the idea of new beginnings!
Thank you, Denise! I’m glad you stopped by and enjoyed the post!
This makes me think it’s going to be a good week. Thanks, Jan!
I think so, too, Teri! Thanks for stopping by!
Go with the flow and follow your heart, then healthy and stable success will follow. It will bring contentment and oneness to the soul. Ahh, that just ran spontaneously out of my fingers after seeing the cards and reading your inspiring explanations. Thank you for laying the cards again, Jan.
I absolutely love that, Erika! It was a beautiful and inspired flow. Thank you so much for sharing!
Your readings always take me to wonderful places. Not one missed on doing so 💖
Great reading–hopeful. I can’t wait to hear about your news series, like nothing you’ve written before. That is tantalizing.
I’m glad you enjoyed the reading, Jacqui. Yes. I’m treading in uncharted waters for me. Let’s hope it works out. 🙂 Thank you for taking the time to stop by and leave a comment!
Good reading, Jan thanks.
My pleasure, John. Thank you for leaving a comment!
“When you give, you receive” goes so nicely with trying new things, respecting money, and being open and honest in communications. Great post today, Jan.
Thank you, Staci. I am so glad you enjoyed it and I appreciate you taking the time to leave a comment! Have a great week!
Reblogged this on GrannyMoon's Morning Feast.
Thank you for reblogging, Granny Moon!
I like this reading. It’s full of possibilities and enthusiasm.
Yay! We can all use a dose of that, Craig. Thanks for stopping by!
Jan, I’m finishing up a writing project, but I’m tackling it fresh, so I look at it as undertaking a new beginning. I’m also trying to get back on track with an exercise routine and I’m excited about that. A new year is a great time for new beginnings. And BTW, I’m excited that you’re branching out into a new direction with your writing!
I’m trying to get back into an exercise routine. I feel so much better and have lots more energy when I do. Here’s hoping I can get started and not stop! Congrats on finishing up a project. Can’t wait to see what you produce. I’m excited and a little scared to branch out into a new direction with this story, but I keep telling myself I can do it. My word for 2022 is “Believe.” 🙂 Thank you for stopping by. Have a great week, Mae!
I love this post and the focus on new beginnings. Like others, I’ve taken the leap and begun a new writing project. I’m excited and only hope time is on my side. Have a great week, Jan! 😊
Yay, Gwen! That is so exciting to hear! I hope the new project keeps you excited and inspired. Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment! Hugs!
I love your quote, Jan! Beginning a new project is always exciting…especially when it happens at the start of a new year.
Yes, it is, Jill. New beginnings all the way around. Thank you for stopping by today! Have a great week!
Another timely post, Jan, as I’m getting ready to begin a new writing project as well. Let’s cheer one another on!
I’m cheering, Joan! You go! Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment. Have a great week!