Jan Sikes

Motivation Monday – #Meditation #TarotReading

Happy Monday and Hello, June! It’s the beginning of a new month. I love this quote and especially since we have had so much rain lately. 🙂

I found this beautiful meditation to share with you. It is especially appropriate for writers. I hope you enjoy it!

Now to see what the cards have in store for the month ahead.

The Six of Pentacles once again reminds us of the balance of giving and receiving. Apparently, we are still learning that lesson. While giving offers its own reward in the good feelings that flow from being generous, receiving can sometimes leave you feeling unworthy or undeserving, especially when you have nothing to offer in return. Do not feel obligated to give back to the same source you received from. Instead, remember these moments of kindness and give to others when the opportunity arises. The more comfortable you become with receiving, the more abundance will flow into your life.

The Two of Wands represents choices and future plans. The exciting energy of fire propels you forward, but beware of becoming impatient and taking action too soon. You may be faced with choosing between a new opportunity and staying where you are. Listen to your intuition. The one that excites you the most may be worth any associated risks. The choice to expand your world awaits.

The Five of Cups leads directly off the previous cards. Focusing on what is spilled will only take you so far. Walking away from a situation can leave you feeling sad and melancholy, but notice there are still two cups standing upright. Moving your attention away from what is lost to what still remains is the secret to rediscovering joy, connection and satisfaction. And remember, there is always a way out.


I feel like the balance between giving and receiving is an ongoing life lesson for us all. And, to finally reach a point where we don’t feel obligated to give back to the one we’ve received from is a beautiful and loving place. Yet, it’s part of the balance and flow to give to others when the opportunity arises. In the meantime, along with the giving and receiving, we must make future plans for tomorrow while living for today. Sometimes we make the choice to move onto something new, leaving behind what is familiar or comfortable, thus causing some sadness. So, the key is to look at the positive aspects of any situation and make choices based on your intuition.

I’ll end this post with some wisdom from the little dragons.

Black Dragon From Saturn
Brings you wisdom through spiritual discipline. 
Concentrate. Focus on your ultimate vision. Congratulate yourself - you have passed a test.

I wish you a great day, a wonderful week ahead and a fabulous month of June!

28 thoughts on “Motivation Monday – #Meditation #TarotReading”

  1. Interesting points Jan. I try to give when I can. But there has to be a balance in life. Time to sit back and enjoy a bit more now I am older. I don’t have the same energy! Though I did just publish a book on sensual poetry… God knows where that came from! My last sensual hurrah perhaps.

    1. Balance is the hardest thing to achieve, it seems. And I agree about getting older and energy. I am 72 and certainly don’t have the energy I did even five years ago. Congratulations on the book release, Marje! It’s on my radar. Thanks for visiting!

      1. Ah, yes I would never have guessed you are 72! You look much younger. Thank you for your kindness. And if you read Shh, Purely Poetry hope you enjoy. 😀

        1. Thank you, my dear Marje, but some days I feel every one of those 72 years. 🙂 I am sure I will enjoy the poetry. I love the cover you chose for the book.

  2. A beautiful reading that really fits what I’ve been dealing with lately. Days aren’t always easy, but I know I’m on the right track for my future. Thank you for always sharing with us, Jan. <3

    1. I am so glad to hear that you enjoyed the reading and that it resonated with you. It’s true that days aren’t always easy, but we learn and we grow and that’s why we are here. Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment!

  3. Gwen M. Plano

    Nicely done, Jan. The give and take of life. We could use some rain, but my squash seem to enjoy the warm sunshine. 🌞

  4. Gwen M. Plano

    Lovely post, Jan. We could use some rain right now, as the sun burns brighter every day. But my squash seem to enjoy the hot weather. 🌞

    1. There is nothing better than homegrown veggies, Gwen. Glad the squash is going well. It seems we are getting the rain everyone else needs. Thank you for stopping by!

      1. Gwen M. Plano

        Please forgive my second post. I got a message that the first did not go through. Of well. 🙄

  5. Nicely done. I like the ‘congratulate yourself’. My husband and I often–somewhat jokingly–give each other trophies for inconsequential but meaningful stuff.

  6. D.L. Finn, Author

    Great post, Jan 🙂 I loved the quote and wish we’d gotten a bit more rain, but the fires have started. Great reading, it hit home. Happy June! Xo

    1. I’m so sorry to hear you didn’t get enough rain to prevent the fires this year, Denise. Prayers for safety. So glad you enjoyed the reading and thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment!

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