As most of you know, I’ve been ill. I tested negative for COVID but I am convinced what I’ve been dealing with is some form of the nasty virus. At any rate, today’s post is all just for me and I hope you get some good out of it as well. I do want to tell you on Wednesday when I was first getting sick and had a fever, I took my pieces of Black Tourmaline and Shungite to the bed with me and I believe with all my heart, they helped pull out the fever during the night.

Now for a healing meditation.
I feel that the tarot reading is especially for me, but again, I hope it resonates with at least a few.

Thank goodness the Eight of Swords sits in the past position as it indicates a feeling of helplessness. I can relate to that as the virus attacked my body, it was a struggle to keep my mind positive and not feel like a helpless victim. While being limited by circumstances, it did not mean I had to succumb to negative thinking patterns. Remember, that’s always a choice.
Interesting that the Two of Cups in the present position carries the Cadeceus, the universal symbol for medicine. In this reading, to me, the card represents accepting help from someone else, or consulting an expert to aid in healing. It can also represent two lovers or a partnership. Two of Cups is a sign you are both on the same wavelength and share a similar vision for the venture you are creating together. You may not have the same skills as each other, but you create a beautiful synergy when you work together. A friend of mine introduced me to Chaga Mushrooms, bringing a packet and leaving it on my door. I believe it is aiding in my healing process.
The Six of Swords symbolizes a state of transition, leaving behind what was familiar and moving towards the unknown. This change may be your own doing or forced upon you, and you may feel sad to leave behind what is so familiar to you. It invites you to gaze ahead to your future and choose the way most in alignment with your Highest Good and long-term potential. You will need to make tough decisions and compromises along the way; see it as a rite of passage. One of the most significant aspects of this card is the fact that the woman and child in the boat are not alone and not having to work to reach their destination.
My takeaway: Circumstances in life are often going to place us in a position of feeling helpless or like a victim, but always remember your thoughts about the circumstance are your choice. Don’t be afraid to ask for help in healing and remember you are never alone on this journey. There is an entire galactic team with us at all times and can only help when we ask.
Your thoughts? Make it a great week, no matter life’s circumstances.
This dragon card ignites the creativity inside each of us! Isn’t it gorgeous?

Arg, I hope you’re feeling a bit better by now? Loved your reading, and yes, I felt some of it did resonate. And funny you mentioned Chaga mushrooms. I just started taking some medicinal mushrooms, and Chaga is one of them! Feel better. 🙂 x
Thank goodness, I am feeling much, much better, Debby! I even have my taste and smell back and am back working. So, all is good. YES! I do think the Chaga Mushrooms have helped me bounce back! Thanks for stopping by!
That’s good news! I’m hoping the Chagas will give me extra protection. 🙂
I truly believe our mindset can help (or hurt) the body in its healing process. Whether it’s COVID or the flu or some other culprit, I wish you well and will continue to send healing energy your way. My father has COVID right now, and it’s lingering longer than the Omicron tends to, so we aren’t sure what variant he has, but he’s managing his way through. Nothing can keep that man down for long. Lol! I hope you and your family stay strong and feel better soon. 🙂
Thank you, Yvette. Yes, I tested positive for COVID yesterday hoping for a negative test so I could return to taking care of the grandkids. It’s a struggle, and I empathize with your father. Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment. Prayers for all battling this nasty virus!
The good news: now you know AND you are managing just fine. Sure, you feel bad, but based on what you’ve shared, you are handling your symptoms okay. Now, you just need to focus on the healing. XOXO 🙂
I hope you feel better soon, Jan. Viruses, Covid or otherwise, can really knock the body for a loop {{hugs}}
Thank you, Jacquie!
Today’s post was definitely for you, and I’m hopeful it’s a sign of imminent healing. Sweet friend, I hope you can feel everyone’s well wishes because we are flooding you with positivity and healthy energy. Times like this, I wish I weren’t states apart (or countries) from my friends! I’d bring you soup! Get better, Jan!!
Awww, you are such a sweet loving soul, Marlena. Thank you for the well wishes and for the soup. I’ll accept it virtually. Hugs!
I’m a person who believes that attitude is everything. I think that’s true both in terms of our mental and physical health. When I’m in an emotional funk, I give myself a day to work through it. The next day always seems to be better. Getting in some exercise and getting out in the sunshine seems to be the magic elixir.
I sure hope you’re feeling 100% soon, Jan.
So true, Pete, and I completely agree. We are not perfect and all get into a slump, whether it be physical or mental, but allowing time to get past it is great. Exercise and sunshine are magic! Thank you for stopping by!
I’ll continue to send out healing energy and prayers, Jan. I love this week’s meditation. And I’m resting, too. 🙂
Thank you, Mary. I appreciate the healing energy and prayers. I’m glad you enjoyed this week’s meditation. I did too. And glad you are resting. I appreciate you taking the time to stop by and leave a comment!
Sorry to hear you’re sick, Jan, but glad you’re on the mend. Get some rest and take care of yourself!
Thanks, Teri. I’m doing my best! Thanks for stopping by!
Perfect reading for today. I hope you continue to feel stronger. Big hugs, 🤗
Thank you, Gwen. I appreciate the well-wishes, and happy you stopped by!
Sorry to hear you’re not feeling well, Jan. It’s so true that we feel helpless from time to time. What a great advice of not to be afraid to ask for help. Hope you’ll feel better soon.
Thank you for your comment, Miriam. Sometimes the hardest thing to do is ask for help, at least for me, so that was pretty profound. Thank you for stopping by!
I know what it means, Jan. I’m the helper and caretaker 90% of my life. When there were a couple drastic events such as the cancer happened to me, it was hard for me to accept help, but I was helpless so I had no choice. I learned that people take it as a privilege to help me!
Keep us posted on how you feel!
Hi Jan, I hope you are starting to recover. A few bloggers currently have Covid and are quite unwell. This is an interesting reading and it certainly seems to be mean for you right now.
There are so many people sick right now. I pray for all affected by this nasty virus. Thank you for stopping by today and leaving a comment!
I couldn’t think of a better reading for your current circumstances. I wondered if you picked up those stones and glad you did 🙂 Sounds like you had the help you needed from many different places. Hoping you recover fully soon. Sending healing hugs xo
Thank you, Denise. I agree with you about the tarot cards. They certainly told the truth. Thank you for stopping by and I pray for a full recovery soon as well! The same for your family! Thank you for the healing hugs!
Amazing, how the reading actually fits the development of your illness. I hope you are soon healed and fit again, dear Jan! Even a simple cold can hit one a lot stronger than before since we were so distanced and safe the past winter. Our bodies need to relearn to deal with those bacteria too. However, may you feel well again soon! Much love to you, Jan💖
Thank you, so much, Erika. I look forward to the day I wake up and feel right again! I appreciate you stopping by to leave a comment!
Sending you deep healing thoughts, dear sister 💖
I hope you feel completely better soon, Jan.
Me too, John. My youngest daughter tested positive today, so looks like we’ve got a long road ahead. Thank you for your good wishes!
Everyone’s going to get it.
That card reading seemed perfect for you, Jan, but also a good reminder for the rest of us as we face the current blast of covid, which even the most careful among us may be unable to avoid. I’m glad you’re feeling better! <3
I’m afraid you are right about being unable to avoid this crazy widespread contagion. We can only do the best we can, fortify our immune systems and take all precautions. Then deal with whatever happens. Thank you for stopping by, Diana. I appreciate your words of encouragement!
20% (probably higher in reality) of our town is down with covid, Jan, and the schools just closed because there aren’t enough healthy teachers to keep it open. Yeesh. What crazy times.
I’m so sorry you’ve been feeling ill, Jan, and can identify. I have felt crummy for two weeks, with all the usual symptoms, and while it could be a second round of break-through COVID, it could also just be a cold. Since testing is problematic in our area, and would serve no purpose other than confirmation, I haven’t even tried to track down a way to do so. With symptoms this mild, all they would do is quarantine me and I’m already doing that.
But I definitely have to be careful not to let myself fall into a hole of misery and despair. I agree with you 100% that how we deal with things, including our thoughts about them, are our choice. Attitude is everything! And I also believe that when your mental state dips low, so does your physical state. So, again. having a positive attitude can only help.
Take good care of yourself. Being positive doesn’t mean ignoring what your body needs, whether it’s rest or medicine or tourmaline and shungite. So please continue to look after yourself and start feeling better soon. I’m going to try to do the same! Yay, us! 😁🤗💖
I totally agree, Marcia! It is so easy for our spirits to drop with a physical illness. COVID is making its way through my entire family. Both daughters have now tested positive. It is a challenge to keep a positive attitude. I’m using all the tools at my disposal to keep my attitude in a thankful state. No matter what, I have so much to be thankful for. Yes, you are right. Being positive does not mean ignoring what the body needs. In fact, just the opposite. Tuning into what the body needs and providing it as best as we can is very proactive and positive. Thank you for stopping by today and leaving such a wonderful comment!
Always a pleasure to find a moment to visit with you, Jan. And this post really struck a chord for me. I’m so glad you are working on proactive things that help you stay positive, and I’ll also be sending you loads of positive thoughts from Florida, too, along with healing energy and prayers and everything else I can think of in the hopes that you and your whole family are soon over this! 🤗🤗🤗
Jan, oh I’m so glad the mushrooms help. This is nasty stuff going around. Nearly everyone I talk to is sick. After an energetic day yesterday I’m not feeling all that well today. The cards are interesting and I have to believe that the reading pertains to me and my impending phone call tomorrow with my editor and agent. I feel that it’ll call for decision-making and compromise so it won’t be exactly what I want. But, I don’t have to accept their offer. We’ll see. I’m thankful you’re getting this time to rest. You desperately needed that. 🙂
I hadn’t thought of the reading from that aspect, but I can see where it fits – all three of them. Being stuck with the blindfold, not knowing what was going on certainly fits, then the possible collaboration and help both fit. All you can do is follow your best gut instincts when it comes to a decision. I’ll be waiting on pins and needles with you. Thank you for stopping by! Love you!
I’m so sorry you’ve been sick, and it sounds nastier than most Omicron illnesses I’ve heard about. Maybe a different variant? My daughter and sister both got Omicron and weathered it quite well. I considered going to visit so I could get infected-recovered. I’d love those natural immunities!
Take care of yourself. You have a lot to be hopeful about.
Thank you, Jacqui. Yes. I do think I had some other variant than the Omnicron. Whatever it is called, I call it NASTY! Now both of my daughters have tested positive for COVID, so they are sending me to get another test today. I can only hope and pray that this is giving me some immunity on top of the vaccine. I appreciate you stopping by!
That’s what I’m not clear of. I’ll be interested what they tell you.
First of all, I’m glad you’re on the mend! It’s so easy to fall into the victim mentality (especially when we’re sick). I’m reminded of a quote I once heard, “We can’t always choose our circumstances, but we can choose our attitude.” Hope you continue to feel better, Jan.
Thank you, Joan. I am slowly on the mend, but I’ll take any improvement I can get. I love that quote!! I’m trying really hard to stay positive and look for a silver lining! Thank you for stopping by!
Reblogged this on GrannyMoon's Morning Feast.
As always, Granny Moon, I am grateful for the reblog!
I love these posts and I particularly love your dragon deck, which always gives me insights regarding the book series I am writing. My characters literally call in the fire and water energies to meld into a dragon. It could not be a more perfect reminder. 😁💚🐉
How exciting, Alethea! I truly love the dragon cards. Each one is inspiring! I love that your characters call in the fire and water energies to meld into a dragon. The series sounds exciting!
“Circumstances in life are often going to place us in a position of feeling helpless or like a victim, but always remember your thoughts about the circumstance are your choice.”
Wow, did you nail it with that line, Jan! It’s so true, and words we need to remember. Definitely my takeaway today.
Thanks for the share, and I hope you are back to full strength and health soon!
I am so glad the words resonated with you, Mae. They carry powerful truth. Thank you for stopping by. I pray to be back to full strength and health soon, too. Each day is a little better. Today, I’m going to try doing some time on the treadmill. I’ve been still too long. Thank you for stopping by!
I’m always happy to see orange on a card.
I’m glad you got a reading so personal and relevant to you. I hope you’re feeling better.
Thank you, Staci. Each day is a little better. I’m happy you stopped by and I agree about the orange on the dragon card. Isn’t it gorgeous?
Very much so.
I’m curious whether you’ve been retested for Covid. Many of my coworkers tested negative initially, but then re-tested and came back positive. I hope you feel better soon, Jan. Thanks for the reading. Take care of yourself.
I haven’t left my apartment since Thursday, so no, I haven’t been retested yet. I have heard lots of stories of false negatives. Just like the virus, the tests are fickle too. Thank you for stopping by and hope you have a good week.
I hope you are feeling better soon. Sending hugs.
Thank you, Darlene! I appreciate the hugs!