I am so happy to be back with a regular Monday post. While on tour with Mountain Laurel Christmas, I truly missed doing these. And I want to offer a big “Thank You” to everyone who followed along on the tour, bought and reviewed the book.
Today’s quote is a lofty goal, especially this time of year when chaos rules.

This meditation helps with finding that calmness and peace of mind.
And now for the Tarot reading for the week of December 13 – 19, 2021.

When I see the Three of Swords, I immediately think of heartache. You may be feeling deeply hurt by a situation or hurtful words from another. Intense emotions of pain, sadness, grief and heartbreak go hand-in-hand with this card. The Three of Swords is also about an emotional release. When you have suffered a major setback or loss, now is an excellent time to have a good cry. However, it is also essential that you continue to focus on the path ahead. You may run the risk of becoming so absorbed in the emotions swirling around you that you lose sight of the need to just let go and move on. This card sits in the past position in the spread, indicating it is over.
In the present position, we have the Ten of Wands, which indicates a heavy burden, or extra workload. I think we can all relate to that this busy time of year. At the same time, while the load is heavy, we have to understand it is temporary. That understanding makes it easier to shoulder the load and move forward. The good news is that the Tens in Tarot represent the completion of a cycle, and with the Ten of Wands, the end is in sight! You have been pushing yourself to your limits and working very hard towards a goal. Now, you are taking the final necessary steps to reach the finish line. Sure, you might collapse in a heap of exhaustion when you get there, but you know it will be all worth it and well earned!
The King of Swords sits regally and confidently on his throne and represents intellectual power. When this card appears in a Tarot reading, you are in your power, ruling from a place of authority and respect. You stand firm in your truth and express yourself with deep conviction. As a result, others pay attention to what you have to say. The King of Swords encourages you to use your logic and intellect to navigate the path ahead. You will need to make firm and well-researched decisions and stay fair in your dealings with others. You need to be able to take any situation, look at it with total impartiality, and then come to a balanced and insightful decision.
My Takeaway:
I personally know so many who have suffered grief, loss, and heartbreak over the past few weeks, so the Three of Swords makes total sense at this time. But you must give yourself permission to release the emotions and move forward while carrying an extra heavy load. Remember this is temporary. We are also being reminded to use our intelligence to make choices for our next steps and come to a balanced and insightful decision.
Your thoughts?
This may just be my favorite Dragon Oracle card yet. Look at the quill, the books, and paper flying! Is that not perfect for writers?

I, too, have missed these. I love this dragon! <3 This reading resonates completely with this moment in my journey and fills me with confidence to embrace the weekend. Great post, Jan! I look forward to listening to the meditation tomorrow. 🙂
Wonderful, Yvette! Thank you for stopping by and I’m so glad the reading resonates with you at the present moment. I appreciate your comment!
I have to say, this reading is pretty darned accurate. Thanks Jan x
Thank you, Debby. I appreciate you stopping by!
Thank you, Jan, for sharing the Tarot Card reading. As indicated on the cards, there are periods in life in which you need to reflect, re-adjust and move on.
Thank you for stopping by, Linnea. I don’t know why, but WordPress is still putting your comments in spam and I have to go retrieve them. 🙂 Crazy technology. I’m glad you enjoyed the card reading1
That was so motivating. For the first time, not all cards spoke to me. But the second and the third one totally hit the nail on the head. At the moment, my employed job is starting to challenge and overwhelming me again. But with your third card, I got so much confidence and faith back that the overload simply disappeared. I remembered that I only get what I am able to handle. Thank you so much for your reading, Jan!
That is so true, Erika, and we often forget that we are not given more than we can handle. Especially when we are in the middle of an overload. I’m so glad you found the post motivating and uplifting! That is the sole purpose for doing them. I wish you all the best and thank you for stopping by! Hugs!
You always manage to motivate and lift up with your posts, Jan. Big hugs back at you 🤗
I think your interpretation of the cards would be of great comfort for those caught in the terrible tornado. Well done, Jan
I most certainly thought of that, John. I am sending up prayers for all the victims! Thank you for stopping by!
Hi Jan, this card selection is very timeous for me. I’ve had to work through some excruciatingly painful emotions over the past few months and come to terms with the fact that sometimes people close to you, just reject you for their own reasons. I have finally managed to come to a position of peace with it and this card feels like divine intervention.
Oh wonderful, Robbie! Finding peace is not an easy path, but the reward is so great! I am proud of you for working through the emotions, meeting them head-on, and then finding a way to move on. Thank you for stopping by! Hugs!
Perfect, Jan. Your reading is so true for me at this time and offers a lot of encouragement. December has always been a difficult month for me as it is for many, many others. I can’t help missing those who’ve crossed over and my heart is heavy. We just have to find joy where we can and get through it. I do believe I’ll get an answer about my proposal in January. I feel that and pray I’m right. Love, love the dragon card!!! Wow. Have a good day, sister. Love you.
Thank you for leaving a comment, sister. I’m glad the reading resonated with you and I agree, I think you’ll get an answer on your proposal after the holidays. I love this little dragon card, too. It’s perfect for writers. You have a great day too. Love you!
What a timely reading, Jan. I’ve spent some time feeling all my emotions instead of burying them like I used to do. It is a lot of work but necessary to take back control of one’s life. I love seeing the king knowing it does pay off in the end. Great dragon card! Love it. Thank you for these inspiring posts. I’m off to meditate! Xo
What you say is true, Denise. Facing the emotions and processing them is a lot of work, but the end result is empowerment and peace. Thank you for stopping by and I’m glad you enjoyed the post and the little dragon card. Hugs!
What a great way to start the week, Jan! I feel the Tarot cards are quite fitting Loss is so hard this time of year especially, even if it’s been some time since you experienced the loss. Holidays tend to bring memories and sometimes a sadness with them. The goal for peace of mind is a beautiful one. And the Dragon Oracle card truly is meant for us writers. <3 As always, thank you for sharing, Jan.
Thank you for stopping by, Mar. You are so right in that the holidays often amplify grief. But they also bring good memories. I’m glad you enjoyed today’s post!
I hope the tour was excellent. I enjoyed lots of your stops!
It was a short and sweet tour, Jacqui and I loved all of it. Thank you for following along and for leaving a comment today!
Reblogged this on GrannyMoon's Morning Feast.
Thank you, Granny Moon, for reblogging!
What a beautiful reading. Your tarot cards are so beautiful, too.
Thank you, Kymber. I use the Rider-Waite Radiance deck and I agree, it is beautiful. Thank you for stopping by and so glad you enjoyed the reading!
I love the dragon card, Jan. It’s gorgeous, and as you said, perfect for writers.
As for the burdens we carry, I’m always reminded of a very old saying “this too, shall pass.” 🙂
So true, Mae. It’s hard to embrace that saying when we are in the midst of a hard time, but it is the truth. I love the little dragon, too. Just gorgeous and so creative! Thank you for stopping by today!
Lovely reading today, Jan. We can never go wrong when we focus on the path ahead. Thanks for taking us along on your tour!
I loved having you show up along the tour, Jill, and I very much appreciate your support. You are right about focusing on the path ahead with a balanced perspective. Thank you for stopping by!
A beautiful reading, Jan, and pertinent to our collective experience — and personal experience. Thank you! 😊
Thank you, Gwen. I love how the cards always seem to know what message we need as a collective and on a personal level. I appreciate you stopping by!
I hope I’m heading into a better direction. Thanks, Jan.
I am going to choose to believe you are, Craig! Thanks for stopping by!
Orange is my favorite color, so I love that dragon. Thanks for sharing this, and welcome back to your regular post schedule!
I absolutely love this little dragon with his quill, papers, and books. I think he may be my favorite so far. Orange is a creative color and represents the sacral chakra where all creativity comes from, so it’s fitting that it is your favorite color. Thank you for stopping by!
That’s cool. I didn’t know that! Thanks, Jan.
“The end is in sight.” Timely for me in light of my recent decision. Thanks, Jan.
Absolutely, Joan! Those ten wands can be heavy, but at least there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Thank you for stopping by!