We are in the midst of a chaotic and busy time of the year. So, simply taking a few minutes to breathe and connect with Source can bring deep inner calm. The inspiration for today’s quote came from a vivid dream.

Here’s a short but effective meditation to help bring a deep sense of relaxation.
And, now for the Tarot Reading to help get the week started.

So appropriate for the season, the Three of Pentacles is a card of celebration, friendship, and creative collaborations. Your friends and family are here to support you and lift you up to even higher levels of success. Celebrate with them and enjoy their camaraderie. This indicates a very sociable period and I think most of us can relate to that. It is a very creative card and encourages creativity within a group environment.
The Page of Cups suggests a new idea or opportunity coming to you out of the blue. Your creative energy is flowing, and now the question is how you will express it. This card invites you to have an open and curious mind. Be open to anything – including a fish popping its head out of a cup! It is with a curious mind that you will discover new aspects of life and yourself. Open your mind to all possibilities, especially those of a creative or intuitive nature, you will be pleasantly surprised.
The Page of Swords takes the Page of Cups to a more active level. When this card shows up in a Tarot reading, you are bursting with new ideas and plans for the future. You may be excited about starting a new project, pursuing a new approach, or learning something new. You have so much energy that you feel as though you could do almost anything – and you can! The challenge, however, is whether you can keep it up. As with all Pages, the beginning always looks promising, but you need something else to follow through and keep up the pace.
My takeaway:
Even in the midst of celebrations, family gatherings, and joyous occasions, creative ideas are flowing, so keep an open mind. Don’t be surprised if you get a creative idea in the midst of Christmas dinner. 🙂 Go ahead and jot it down. Then as soon as you can, begin the new project with enthusiasm and settle in for the long haul to see it to fruition!
Another gorgeous Dragon Card to share.

I went camping for a few days at the beginning of this week, so I’m just now getting around to reading this. My celebrations have been dimmed courtesy of COVID (I have several family members with the virus right now – all are doing fairly well, so we are grateful for that), but we understand the season is about the love shared, not the physical togetherness. We will celebrate as a family after quarantine is over for everyone. As for new projects, I’m focusing my time on finishing my WIP, BUT my next novel is already whispering to me, so I’m excited about that. Here’s to finishing The One Redeemed and starting the full-length novel of Breathless’ sequel. Great post, Jan! And happy holidays! 🙂
What a fun thing to do, Yvette. Camping is such a great way to get away. Sounds like you have lots of exciting projects ahead. Sending up prayers for those affected by COVID and wishing you a Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas. I love the reading as it fits for me. My son is a good photographer and will be joining me on my blog stating in the new year.
Oh how wonderful, Brenda! Family collaboration is the very best. Thank you for stopping by and Merry Christmas to you and yours!
Two Pages. Wow! Hope it’s what I’ve been waiting for. I can’t wait to hear about your vivid dream. Love you, Sister.
I had the same thought when the two Pages showed up together. That’s a lot of energy to pour into a project. I am happy you stopped by today and enjoyed the post. Love you too!
I could use a drink from the creativity cup, lol. Thanks for the positive message, Jan.
Merry Christmas!
I hope your cup of creativity fills to the brim and overflows, Jacquie. Thank you for stopping by. Merry Christmas to you and yours!
If I don’t write it down, it disappears. The past few weeks have been chaotic, so getting back to yoga on Saturday sure helped me find that inner calm.
Yoga is a wonderful way to re-center and to find that wonderful calm in the midst of chaos. And you are right, Teri. If I don’t write it down, it disappears, even when I think I’ll remember it. Thank you for stopping by! Merry Christmas to you and yours!
I love your dream inspired quote, Jan! So true 🙂 What a great reading for the holiday week! And love the dragon card. Thanks for the relaxing meditation, too! Enjoy your family time and the holidays. Merry Christmas! xo
It was such a strange and vivid dream, Denise. I knew beyond any doubt, it was Angel inspired. Thank you for taking the time to stop by and leave a comment today. I’m happy you enjoyed the post. Merry Christmas hugs to you, my friend!
Getting together, getting inspired by each other, new ideas and visions show up, and the fire to realize them… awesome reading and again so very fitting my life 😊
I’m so glad you could relate the reading to your life, Erika. I wish you and your family a very joyous holiday season! Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment.
Thank you very much for your constant uplifting inspiration, Jan. You too have a wonderful Christmas time with your loved ones 💖
I’m saving this reading to show the family when I jump up from the table to jot those notes. Thanks, Jan. 😁
Lol, John! Yep. You can throw me under the bus anytime you need to. Thanks for leaving a comment today. Merry Christmas!
Hahaha. Thanks, Jan. Merry Christmas.
Great reading, Jan. I love the hopefulness and the encouragement. Have a blessed Christmas. 💗
Thank you, Gwen. I appreciate you taking the time to drop by and leave a comment. Merry Christmas hugs to you!
Thanks so much. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas, Jan!!
My pleasure, Darlene. Thank you for stopping by and Merry Christmas to you!
Oh I love this week’s reading! I started a new job about 1 1/2 months ago and since then, I have this new energy. This, I’m sure, is mostly due to the less stressful and more enjoyable job. So I’ve definitely felt the need to use that energy in my creative life. I’m ready and eager for new opportunities! Thank you so much for sharing, Jan. I hope you have the Merriest Christmas! <3
How wonderful for you, Marlena! I’m so glad the new job is working out for you with less stress! That does definitely leave more energy for creativity. Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving a comment. Merry Christmas to you and yours!
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Follow through is so important! What an inspiring read today, Jan. Thanks for sharing!
That is so true, Jill. Without follow-through, you have no project. Thank you for stopping by. I’m glad you enjoyed the reading!
Like Joan I have a lot of new and exciting projects planned for 2022, so the timing of this post really resonates with me. I’m hoping momentum will carry me through into the New Year and beyond.
As always, love the dragon card! 🙂
Thank you for stopping by, Mae. Yes! Let’s hope for enough energy to see all the exciting new ideas through to fruition! It is another gorgeous dragon card, isn’t it? Have a wonderful holiday week!
I hope this reading comes to pass. Lots of promise in it.
I hope so as well, Craig. Thank you for stopping by!
This post fits me so well, as I have new and exciting things planned for 2022. Thanks for sharing these, Jan. Lovely quote!
Whoo hoo, Joan! Here’s hoping for the steam to see the exciting things come to fruition! Thank you for stopping by. Have a wonderful holiday week!