Jan Sikes

My Podcast Interview On “Tell Me A Story!”

This was such a great privilege and honor. And, one of the most fun interviews I’ve ever done. I got to dig deep on a very personal level. My thanks to Annette Rochelle Aben.

**When you click on the link, scroll down to my name. The names are in alphabetical order by last name.**

via Tell Me a Story Jan Sikes

32 thoughts on “My Podcast Interview On “Tell Me A Story!””

  1. This was such a great interview, Jan. I enjoyed learning more about you and Rick. And I love your laugh! Hugs, sister ❤️

  2. Hearing the warmth of your voice, is marvelous, Jan. The depth of your love and commitment shines through. Annette thanks so much for an insightful and in-depth podcast.

    1. Thank you, Sooz. I just love it when we get to hear each other speak about our books. I always enjoy the RAVE WAVES shows for that reason.

  3. Pingback: Jan Sikes, fascinating, wonderfully told by the singer and story-teller herself! | Stephen Geez Blog

  4. Hi Jan,
    I heard your interview with Annette today. Enjoyed your honesty and your courage. Annette interviewed me last year. Welcome to the family.

  5. Wonderful interview, Jan. I totally enjoyed it. Both of you were relaxed, honest and enjoyed your time together — which means listeners like me enjoyed the time as well. Congratulations on a job well done!

  6. Awesome, Jan! I’m on a work break so have only been able to catch half of it, but what a candid and intriguing interview. Hearing about you and Rick and your wonderful books was a pleasure. It was also fun hearing how Darlina and Rick’s names came to be. Congratulations on the podcast.

    1. Oh wow, Mae. The fact that you chose to listen to this interview on your lunch break touches my heart! Truly! Thank you.

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