2021 has been quite a year. I never make New Year’s resolutions, but each year, I ask Spirit for a word that serves as the theme for the upcoming year. Expansion was my word for 2021.
Looking back, I can see the expansion that occurred not only in my spiritual life but my physical and writing life as well.
Ghostly Interference, my debut fiction novel, was released in December of 2020 and I spent a good part of the year promoting it. I am so proud that it won two awards and has now garnered 36 reviews!
I finished the third novel in The White Rune Series. It will be published sometime in late 2022. So far, the publisher hasn’t changed the title, so SADDLED HEARTS it is.
I self-pubbed a short story, MOUNTAIN LAUREL CHRISTMAS, which has been well-received. My heart overflows with gratitude for everyone who read and reviewed this story.

I read and reviewed 91 books in 2021. Coming up with a Top Ten list is going to be harder than ever as I devoured so many great stories! I’m working on it.
I joined Story Empire and have truly found my tribe! If you are not following the blog there, you are missing out on some great writing and marketing tips. I launched a book marketing series and am learning so much I didn’t know before. I enjoy sharing what I learn.
I reached a milestone on my blog with my 1,000th post. I am eternally grateful to my followers who inspire me to keep putting up content!
I expanded my blog to include two days per week that focus on spiritual growth. I feel we are fortunate to live in a day and age when so many tools are at our fingertips. YouTube can provide any type of meditation you might want to experience. We have essential oils, diffusers that put those oils into our living environment which raises the vibrations. We have gemstones from the core of Mother Earth that assist in our spiritual and physical journey. I have enjoyed delving deeper into the Tarot cards and the Runes and sharing weekly readings. Astrological forecasts can be enlightening. With the internet and Google, we have it all. How we use it is up to us.
Speaking of meditation, I found this short one that helps launch the new year.
What’s ahead?
My word for 2022 is BELIEVE.
When I start searching for my word for the year, it simply comes. It shows up everywhere I look. This year, it began when I went with my daughters and grandchildren to Palestine, Texas to ride the Polar Express. Then I started seeing it everywhere.

I believe in myself. I believe in you. I believe in the powers of the Universe to shift in the direction my thoughts go. I believe in my ability to craft compelling stories and get them out to the world!
The second book in The White Rune Series, JAGGED FEATHERS, is currently available for pre-order and releases January 31, 2022! I’ll be searching for blog hosts soon. 🙂
So, as I close the door on 2021 and open the portal to 2022, I wish each of you a prosperous and peaceful New Year!
I have closed comments as I am going offline until after the holiday. My best friend of over 40 years is on her way to spend the weekend with me!
See you in 2022!