I am super excited to turn my blog over to a fellow Wild Rose Press author, Darlene Fredette! Her new book, Cherry Red, is an inspirational romance. But I’ll let Darlene tell you about it.

Thank you, Jan, for letting me take over your blog site today to share the news about my new romance.
In my story, Cherry Red, the heroine, Carly Redd, creates new flavours of ice cream. While going to college, she worked as a bartender. She blended her knowledge of ice cream and alcohol and came up with several favourites for her adult customers.
Here’s the recipe for her Red Wine Float.
Add three maraschino cherries to the bottom of a large fancy glass.
Add two large scoops of vanilla ice cream.
Add three more cherries.
Fill the glass with red wine about an inch from the top.
Add another small scoop of ice cream.
Stick a straw in the drink and top with red sugar sprinkles and more cherries.
Serve immediately.

This summer, ice cream entrepreneur Carly Redd’s only focus is expanding her business—until she’s coerced into attending her ex’s engagement party. Showing up without a date is unthinkable. She reluctantly agrees to be escorted by her brother’s co-worker, although doing so breaks her rule of not dating firefighters.
The daughter of the town’s fire chief should wear a Do Not Touch sign, but firefighter Noah Harding’s interest blazed the moment he saw Carly. Agreeing to be her fake boyfriend is a no-brainer, but convincing Carly to trust him with her heart is harder than extinguishing a fire.
Overstepping the platonic-only rule is as dangerous as fire and ice swirling into a tempting combustion.
“This might seem like a strange question, especially since we’ve just met, but would you be interested in going out for a coffee? Or an ice cream?” Noah rested an arm on the bar.
Carly glanced down at her jeans and black T-shirt embroidered with the company name and logo…a cluster of red cherries. In a room full of women all dolled up in fancy—and some a bit scanty—dresses, why would this incredibly handsome man ask her on a date? “I appreciate the offer, but I’m not interested…”
Noah raised a brow. “I know you like ice cream, so is it the coffee, or me?”
“What? No. I mean, yes.” She took a second to collect her scrambled thoughts. “I like coffee. I just don’t hang out with firefighters.” Not that he was a real firefighter. Did impersonators count in her rules of men to avoid? She never dated a stripper, but she wasn’t sure she could have a relationship with a guy who was paid to take off his clothes and have other women fawn over him. Not that the guy asked her on a date…just a simple coffee. His frown made her feel badly. “I’m sorry. It’s nothing personal.”
“Burnt in the past? No pun intended.” He smiled.
She couldn’t help but smile back. “Something like that.”
Buy Links:
This link will bring you to my website which has links to all distributing sites for my books.
Universal Purchase Link: http://darlenefredette.blogspot.com/2021/04/my-books-purchase-links.html
Social Media Links:
Author Web Site: http://darlenefredette.blogspot.com/
Blog: http://findingthewritewords.blogspot.com
Amazon Author Page: https://www.amazon.com/Darlene-Fredette/e/B005NAF660/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DarleneLF
Author Bio:
Darlene resides on the Atlantic Coast of Canada where the summers are too short, and the winters are too long. She writes contemporary romances with a focus on plot-driven page-turners. When not working on her next book, she can be found with her husband, her daughter, and her yellow Labrador.
Congratulations, Darlene, on your new release! Thanks for sharing, Jan.
My pleasure, Mark! Thank you for taking a look!
Congrats to Darlene on her new book. The “adult” ice creams sound delicious (thanks for the recipe) and the romance sounds sweet. Love the cover too. Thanks for the intro to Darlene and her book, Jan. Happy Reading.
Thanks for stopping by, Diana! I agree that the adult ice cream sounds awesome! I appreciate your comment and support for Darlene1
Hi Diana! Thank you so much for the kind words on Cherry Red and for taking the time to stop by!
Congrsts on your nre release, Darlene! What a fun excerpt and now I craving ice cream.
Thanks for hosting, Jan 🙂
Lol, Denise! I love your comment! Thanks for stopping by!
Hi Denise, thank you for stopping by. I really appreciate it.
This sounds like a fun read, Jan. Thank you for hosting Darlene. I’m so pleased to meet her. 😊
Thank you, Gwen. I appreciate you taking the time to leave a comment!
Hi Gwen! Thank you for visiting and posting a comment 🙂
A stripper and an ice cream maker- interesting concept 🙂
This sound like a fun read. Great to meet Darlene (a fellow Canadian) on your blog, Jan.
Hi Jacquie! Thank you for stopping by! Nice to meet another Canadian. Where are you from?
The opposite coast- Victoria 🙂
I agree, Jacquie. I look forward to reading this one. Thank you for stopping by!
Oh, yum–the cover and recipe! Wishing you all the best, Darlene! 🙂
Exactly, Mary! 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!
Hi Mary! Thank you for visiting. I really appreciate it 🙂
All the best to Darlene.
Thank you for stopping by!
Thanks, Craig!
I like clever entrepreneurs. This sounds good. I had to wince a little at the cover. I hope she doesn’t ride like that!
Lol, Jacqui. I had the same thought, but she looks so cute and sexy, it works. 🙂 And it’s fiction. Thank you for stopping by!
Hi Jacqui! Carly and Noah both ride with safety in mind. This was just a photo shoot on the beach for them, lol
Oooh, thank you! Now that you mention it, it looks like a photoshoot.
Thank you, Jan, for the awesome spotlight! I really appreciate your support. Hugs!
My pleasure, Darlene! I hope you get lots of new sales!!
This sounds like a good read, and that cover is so cute and flirty. I enjoyed the blurb and the excerpt. All the best to Darlene with her new release.
Thanks for sharing, Jan!
Hi Mae! Cherry Red is one of my favourite covers! The couple scream Carly and Noah perfectly.
I agree, Mae. The cover is definitely flirty! Thank you for stopping by to help support Darlene.
I never would have thought to pair wine and ice cream. Now I’m intrigued. Best wishes to Darlene on her new release. Thanks for hosting, Jan.
Hi Staci, I did lots of ice cream research for this story and the red wine float was very popular, lol. Thank you for stopping by!
I agree, Staci. Until a few months ago, I had never heard of alcohol mixed with ice cream. There is a shop in a neighboring city called the Cocktail Creamery. I haven’t made it over yet to check it out.
Jan, you should definitely check out the Cocktail Creamery and let me know what you ordered 🙂
Looks like a good read. Thanks for hosting Darlene.
Hi Karen, thank you for stopping by!
Thank you, Karen! I appreciate you stopping by to help support Darlene!
It’s great to see Darlene here, Jan. Thanks for hosting! Congrats, Darlene!
Hi Jill, how wonderful to ‘see’ you! It’s been ages since we chatted. Thank you for stopping by and all the best with your new book, too!
Don’t you just love reconnecting with old friends in the blogging world? 🙂 Enjoy your day, Darlene!
My pleasure, Jill. Thank you for stopping by!
Congrats to Darlene on this new book 🙂
Thanks for sharing, Jan 🙂
Hi Harmony, Thank you for stopping by!
Thank you, Harmony! It’s my pleasure to share!
Fun blurb and good excerpt! Congratulations to Ms. Fredette on this recent release!
Hi Priscilla! Happy to hear you enjoyed the blurb and excerpt. Thank you for visiting!
Thank you for stopping by to support Darlene today, Priscilla!