I became a fan of Mae Clair’s writing with the first book I read. She is not only a talented storyteller but a friend and fellow blogger at Story Empire. I am super thrilled that she has released this new collection of short stories! I’ll let her tell you about it!
And because I am letting Mae Clair have my blog today, there will not be a Wednesday Wonder until next week. 🙂

Hi, Jan. Thanks for hosting me today and allowing me to share my newest release with your readers. Things Old and Forgotten is a collection of short fiction that includes stories in several genres—magical realism, fantasy, speculative, even two that touch on mild horror.
When I was in tenth grade, my English teacher gave me his Lord of the Rings book collection to read, and an entire new realm unfolded before my eyes. Prior to that I’d been reading mostly science-fiction, but the discovery of epic fantasy was unlike anything I’d encountered before. I was hooked and spent the next decade devouring books of wizardry, magical artifacts, and enchanted realms. To this day, I still love a good epic fantasy or sword-and-sorcery novel. When it came time to put together my collection of stories for Things Old and Forgotten, I couldn’t resist including a few fantasy tales. Below is the opening from Kin-Slayer, one of the fantasy tales included in my collection.

I will permit the ghosts their share.
I remember the ocean, glittering with a thousand faceted eyes, sunlight bright as diamonds on the surface. The scent of salt heavy in the air as it twined with the black smoke of cooking fires and the reek of fish left to dry beneath the sun. My home was nestled in a simple village. Small and secluded, Ceadon squatted on a bluff overlooking the water, her nexus a ragged sphere of thatch-roofed hovels.
She was a giddy perch, erected high on a pinnacle of wind-blasted rock. As children, E’ana and I often sat on the edge, watching the tide roll from shore as it carried our father and the other fishermen from sight. In the evening, we would meet them on the beach, anxious to ogle the day’s catch—seaweed-draped pots brimming with lobster and crab, nets so heavy they hugged the sand as the men unloaded a bounty of bluefish and tuna.
It was a modest life, fitting and welcome in those idyllic days of childhood. But childhood, like all things, fades with the passing of time.
At fifteen, E’ana was chosen as a First Daughter, one of the select betrothed to the Leviathan. Though I found the prospect disquieting, E’ana trembled with excitement. She slept little that night, tossing and turning.
I could stand her restlessness no longer. “You’ll make a fine bride, E’ana.”
She twisted in her bed to face me. “I wondered if you were awake.” Her voice sounded watery, as though she’d been crying. A black nebula of hair tumbled over her shoulders. “What if he doesn’t choose me? Atalayah, it would destroy Father if I were passed over! He was so proud of me today.”
Beyond the walls of the hut, wind played over the dunes, conjuring sand into fleeting demons. Wind can sound like water when it chooses—merciless, powerful. It made me think of dried fish heads twined with kelp and hung from doorways as protection against gales. Of the Elders huddled in their shacks. They feared the wind almost as much as the denizens of the deep, but there was no sky god to placate and bribe with virgin flesh as they did with the sea.
“It isn’t a failure to be passed over, E’ana. Many of the First Daughters have lasted as long as three seasons. The matrons speak of a few who survived all five and were permitted to marry.”
“What men would have them?”
My anger flared. “Better to wed flesh than die in the sea!”
“I’m sorry. That was jealousy speaking.”
The lie appeared to pacify her.
“And what have you to be jealous of, sister? You may never be a First Daughter, but you are a First Sword. One would be hard-pressed to name the greater honor.”
“As you say.” I had no further words, knowing they would fall on deaf ears. In time, I heard the evenness of her breathing, signaling sleep. Inwardly, I seethed. Didn’t she realize the luxuries of a First Daughter—the finest fish of the day’s catch, the best seat at village festivals, even the perfumed silks imported from the south—were simply bribes to soften the blow? The Elders told her she was destined for immortality, but she was an offering, nothing more. The Leviathan might protect us from sea dragons and merrows, but its cost of tribute was too high.
The sky had grayed with dawn before I found the peace to sleep.
A man keeping King Arthur’s dream of Camelot alive.
A Robin Hood battling in a drastically different Sherwood.
A young man facing eternity in the desert.
A genteel southern lady besting a powerful order of genies.
A woman meeting her father decades after his death.
These are but a few of the intriguing tales waiting to be discovered in Things Old and Forgotten. Prepare to be transported to realms of folklore and legend, where magic and wonder linger around every corner, and fantastic possibilities are limited only by imagination.
Thanks again for hosting me, Jan. In honor of my love for autumn—a fantastic time to curl up with a book—Things Old and Forgotten will be on sale for .99c through October 31st.
Connect with Mae Clair at BOOKBUB and the following haunts:
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I couldn’t agree with you more about Mae’s skill, Jan. Thank you so much for opening your awesome blog to her. 🙂
It was truly my pleasure, Mark. Thank you for stopping by!
Great selection and powerful story. Congratulations, Mae!
Thank you, Flossie, for stopping by! It’s always great to see your smiling face. Hope all is well with you!
Congrats to Mae. This looks like it will be an engaging read. 🙂 x
Thank you for stopping in, Debby, to help support Mae and her new release!
Hi Mae, this is a lovely post and extract. My son, Greg, is a huge Lord of the Rings fan. He even has the 10 books that were Tolkien’s notes and world building reference. Thanks for hosting Mae, Jan.
Wow, Robbie! What a cool collection of books! And what a valuable resource, too. Thank you for stopping by and helping Mae launch her new book!
This is so exciting! Congratulations, Mae!
Thanks, Betsy. I’m thrilled about it! 🙂
As well you should be. Well done, friend. 🙂
Thank you, Betsy, for stopping by to help Mae launch her new book!
Always a pleasure to support blog buddies! I’m so impressed by all the prolific writers out here!
I think it was LotR that also opened my eyes to epic fantasy, Mae – it was like a new world for me. Another great excerpt!
The Fellowship of the Ring is still my favorite book of the trilogy, Teri, because I remember the impact it made on me. I was in such awe. It was sort of like seeing the original Star Wars or the first Jurassic Park for the first time!
I would venture to say that Lord of the Rings opened a lot of our eyes to epic fantasy, Teri! A whole new world of reading opened up. Thank you for stopping by to help support Mae today!
I am reading this book Jan, that gives you the idea how big a fan I am of Mae and her style. I have already read the Kin Slayer and loved it. Wishing you all the best Mae.
Balroop, thank you so much! I couldn’t be happier that you’re already immersed in the stories. I’m also glad to hear you enjoyed Kin-Slayer. Thanks for all your support and the well wishes!
I am right there with you, Balroop. I finished Kin-Slayer yesterday and am very close to the end of the book. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your comment!
The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings sure changed what I read after that. Fantastic excerpt and I can’t wait to get to this story! I’m really enjoying this collection of short stories and trying to read it slow, we’ll see…lol Thanks for hosting, Jan.
I think LOtR really impacted so many readers, Denise. The Hobbit, too. I actually read that one after reading the trilogy. I’m so thankful Peter Jackson brought them all to the big screen.
I’m also glad to hear you’re savoring the stories in the collection. That makes me very happy! 🙂
Thank you for stopping by Denise. Reading this collection slowly and mindfully is a great way to absorb Mae’s fantastic writing! Thank you for stopping by and helping to support her today!
This sounds grand, Mae. Many congratulations!
Thanks for featuring Things Old and Forgotten, Jan:)
Hi, Sandra! Thanks for dropping by to check out my release and cheering me on today. Great to have you visit!
Hi, Sandra! It was my pleasure to feature this new book! Thank you so much for stopping by to support Mae today!
I love your writing and enjoyed this great excerpt, Mae! Congratulations on your book birthday again. It’s gracious of you to be flexible on Wednesday to do the hosting, Jan.
Thank you for stopping by to support Mae, Miriam! Much appreciated!
You’re welcome, Jan!
Thanks so much, Miriam. I’m glad you enjoyed the excerpt (and my writing!) 🙂
Jan is a sweetheart for giving me her Wednesday space. I’m honored to be here today. Many thanks for visiting!
This has been a wonderful tour, Mae. 🙂
Thanks so much, Miriam!
You’ve painted such a vivid setting, Mae- beautifully written! This makes me want to dive in now, but I already have five books on the go- Ahhh!
Lol, Jacquie! You sound like me. 🙂 I know you will enjoy Mae’s stories when you get to them. Thanks for leaving a comment!
LOL! No worries, Jacquie. We all know about scheduled reads and TBRs. I’m just thankful I’m on your list.
I’m so glad you enjoyed the excerpt!
Excellent excerpt! Downloading it. Huge congratulations to Mae on this book, and thanks for hosting, Jan.
Thank you so much, Damyanti! I’m delighted you enjoyed the excerpt and even more that you are downloading the book. Thank you so much for the congrats and the support. I hope you enjoy all the stories!
Thank you, Damyanti! I’m glad you stopped by and left a comment. It was a true pleasure to host Mae today!
What perfect timing, I’m just about to read this particular story in Mae’s collection! 😃 Definitely what I’m doing while winding down for sleep, but first I had to drop by and join the book tour. The book has been fantastic so far, as well as this experience — new indie author, new to WordPress here, so I’m really stoked to see the energy and support of the community!
I totally agree with you, Marie! I am almost to the end and have enjoyed every story. They are all so different and such great examples of Mae’s amazing storytelling ability!! Thank you for stopping by and thank you for following my blog! Welcome!
I think I’m going to like it here too, since I also love music! It’s nice to meet you, Jan. I’m checking your works sometime soon, for sure! 🥳
Hi, Marie! Many thanks for visiting me again on my book tour, and for all your support with the book. How cool that the timing worked out with Kin-Slayer, LOL. I wish you happy reading, and I am so glad you’ve become part of the WordPress and author community. It’s great to have you join us in the blogosphere!
This looks so good. I’m not surprised it’s getting such great reviews.
OK, just grabbed it. I can’t wait!
Oh, thank you so much, Jacqui. I’m doing a happy dance. YIPPEE!
I’m just finishing up a series, have two NetGalley books, and then your wonderful stories. I can’t wait!
I am honored to be on your read list, Jacqui. Many, many thanks!
It’s a perfect example of Mae’s amazing storytelling abilities, Jacqui! I’m glad you grabbed a copy! Thank you!
Thank you so much, Jacqui. I’m delighted with the support of so many wonderful writers and friends.
Happy book birthday, Mae! Superb excerpt. Loved it!
Thanks for leaving a message for Mae, Sue!
Thanks so much, Sue. Glad you dropped by to help me celebrate the launch!
Oooh, great excerpt, Mae! I haven’t gotten as far as this one yet. (Yesterday left me very little time for reading.) I can tell already I’m going to love it as much as I’ve loved the stories I’ve already read. This book is a WINNER, for sure! Great post, Jan and Mae, and Mae–I’m still wishing you a kajillion sales! You’ve earned them! 🤗💗
Thank you, Marcia! I know you are going to enjoy each story. I am almost to the end and would be hard-pressed to pick a favorite. I appreciate you stopping by to support Mae today!
My pleasure, Jan. I do love this book so far, and expect that feeling to continue right to the end. Thanks for sharing Mae’s excerpt today, and I’m definitely looking forward to reading THIS story! 😊
Marcia, I’ll take those wishes for a kajillion sales! Erm, even a million would work, LOL.
I’m glad you’re enjoying the stories. Your excitement about Things Old and Forgotten has me doing a happy dance 🙂
Dance on, my Penderpal, dance on! It’s truly GOOD. (In all caps!) 😃
All the best to you, Mae. I’m so looking forward to reading this one. Thanks, Jan for hosting Mae, today
Thanks for the well wishes, John. I’m so glad you’re looking forward to the book!
It is my pleasure, John! Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment!
Jan, thanks so much for allowing me to take over your blog today. I’m honored to be your guest and to share Things Old and Forgotten with your readers. Many thanks for hosting me!
It is always my pleasure, Mae! I am thrilled that your book is making a splash!!
Pingback: Book Tour Day 2: Things Old and Forgotten by Mae Clair #speculativefiction #magicalrealism #fantasy #newrelease | From the Pen of Mae Clair
Another great excerpt. Hope the book is doing well.
Thank you, Craig. And off to a good start!
Thank you for stopping by, Craig, to support Mae!!
Great excerpt, Mae. I love this anthology. Congratulations.
Thanks for hosting, Jan.
Thanks so much, Staci. I was fun releasing a collection of shorts for a change. 🙂
My pleasure, Staci! Thank you for supporting Mae today!
I’m reading Things Old and Forgotten now. Loving it! And I love all things Mae writes. Thanks for hosting today, Jan!
Thank you so much, Joan. I’m glad you’re enjoying the book, and the stories. Thanks for all your support!
I completely agree, Joan! I am almost finished with it and love each story. It will be hard to choose a favorite. 🙂 Thank you for stopping by to support Mae!!
Good excerpt, Mae! I am reading Things Old and Forgotten now. Your prose is fresh and even surprising at times but never purple. It’s fabulous!
Thank you for that, Priscilla. I love weaving words and painting pictures, but purple is a place I never want to go!
I agree with you, Priscilla! I am glad you are enjoying the book and thank you for letting Mae know!
I have this on my ereader and can’t wait to read it. I’ll have to bump this up my list. All the best, Mae. Thanks for sharing, Jan 🙂
Thank you so much, Harmony. I’m glad you’re enjoying the excerpts, and it’s great to know I’m on your read list!
You are going to enjoy Mae’s stories, Harmony! Thank you for stopping by to support today!
Congratulations, Mae! Fantastic excerpt! Thanks for sharing, Jan.
Thank you so much, Jill. I’m glad you enjoyed the excerpt!
Thank you, Jill! I appreciate you leaving a comment for Mae!
Thank you, Jan, for hosting Mae. The excerpt was tantalizing. Beautiful writing, Mae! I downloaded this today and can’t wait to read it.
Yay! Thanks for the download, Judi. I hope you enjoy the stories. I’m glad you liked the excerpt today!
It is my pleasure to feature Mae here today, Judi! Thank you for stopping by and for downloading the book!
Congratulations, Mae! I’m so happy to see you in the much-deserved spotlight. Tonight my Kindle and I have a treat — your book. YAY. Thank you, Jan, for sharing Mae with readers. 💗
Thanks for that lovely comment, Gwen! It’s wonderful to have so much support from everyone. I’m delighted!
Thank you for stopping by to support Mae, Gwen! I am almost through reading it and I can promise that you are in for a treat! Happy Reading!