Jan Sikes

So Far Behind

so far behind

I just know I’m not the only one that ever feels this way. I have loaded myself down with more than any person can possibly do in a 24 hour time period. As a result, anytime something comes along that upsets the old apple cart, so to speak…

apple cart

Well, it gets overwhelming.

I have two amazing, beautiful, smart and talented daughters. (I have to brag just a little.)

Mom,Crys,Deva (2017_11_16 21_30_48 UTC)

Well, this is me and them many, many years ago. 🙂

So, the youngest daughter (yes, that little one above on the left) is a corporate attorney. While she has a very demanding and high-paying job, she also has two beautiful little girls of her own.

They are my sunshine.

My daughter had to travel to Milwaukee this week on business and needed me to step in and take care of these two little ones. “No worries,” I told her and myself. Sydney is in first grade, so she’ll be in school all day and the little one goes to a daycare. I can do this easy-peasey.

BUT…little one got sick right before my daughter had to leave. She was running a fever of 102. SO….need I say that I did not take her to daycare this entire week? Instead, we had two doctor visits and lots of cuddling and praying that she’d get better.

Why am I telling you all this?

Because I am SO far behind on everything that I normally keep up with…your blogs,  my blog, your emails, the RAVE REVIEWS BOOK CLUB, Texas Authors, the North Texas Book Festival, Buddy Magazine, The Oklahoma Farm and Ranch Magazine AND my book that I’m trying to write.

But…know what? I wouldn’t trade one minute of rocking that sweet baby, singing “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star,” or even bribing her with sweet Robin Eggs to take her horrible tasting medicine. Life is short. Babies quickly grow up to be adults and we just get older.

Forgive me if I haven’t responded. I will get to everything eventually.


28 thoughts on “So Far Behind”

  1. Oh wow. I’m envious. When my first book came out, my publisher took her authors to The Texas Book Festival. We were in a tent next to Bill O’Reiley. Patricia Guthrie


  2. Life has a way of interrupting our plans and transforming our dreams. Just cuddle your sweet ones and worry not. They speak a beautiful truth we adults often ignore. Blessings to you. 🙂

  3. Jan, I’m so sorry to hear your granddaughter was ill. I hope she’s doing better now. Your post was so sweet and heartfelt. The great thing about all of your blogging friends is that we’ll still be here when life settles down and you get some breathing room. Family ALWAYS comes first. Take care of your little ones and yourself. Sending you hugs and well-wishes!

    1. Thank you, Mae. Little one is much better and Mommy and Daddy are home, so now I can catch up on my sleep, emails and my own stuff. 🙂

  4. Jan- Wow, your plate is full, but I love that you’re very busy and keeping yourself motivated. That’s what make life wonderful. Living it to the fullest. You’re an inspiration to me. You and Linda both are, you both just blow me away. So glad I have y’all in my life. Love you!!

  5. There’s nothing to forgive, Jan
    You wouldn’t be the lovely person you are if you hadn’t spent all your time with your granddaughters, and I hope the little one is twinkling happily now.
    Hugs xx

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