Hi, all. I’ve given this a lot of thought and due to multiple reasons, I am stepping away from blogging for a while. Other than already scheduled guest posts, I won’t be blogging on a regular basis until I finish writing the second book in The Bargainers Series. Because my time is so limited, something has to go and although a hard decision, I have to make choices. Perhaps that’s what the Five of Cups card in yesterday’s tarot reading indicated for me.
I must focus on A Noble Bargain if I am to publish it in the fall.
Here’s a rough draft attempt at a logline for A Noble Bargain.
After a harrowing escalation of violence, Rose Blaine faces a tenuous fight for survival. In a desperate bid for freedom, she strikes a life-changing bargain with Oliver Quinn: he’ll take her and her brother, Jack to St. Louis, Missouri, where her promise of introducing him to her uncle, a seasoned baseball veteran, ignites hope in his dream of playing in the major leagues. As they embark on a perilous journey, their intertwined fates collide, testing their resilience and forging an unlikely bond in the pursuit of their aspirations and survival.
And just for a little fun, here is a mock-up of a book cover. This will NOT be the final by any means, but a first attempt at getting all the elements of the story on it.

In the meantime, I’ll continue to visit all of your blogs as I can and continue to support my fellow authors and bloggers in every way possible.
A tough decision, but something has to give. Thanks for understanding!
Happy working Vacay, Jan!
Focusing on writing is time consuming.
Focusing on any creative endeavour is time consuming.
This is whyI am a haphazard, higgeldy-piggeldy blogger with no schedules or routines.
I don’t write, but I make gowns and draw.
Enjoy your writing experience!
Thank you, Resa. I love visiting your blogs whenever you post them. They are always entertaining. I appreciate you taking the time to visit and leave a comment here!
You are welcome. Happy writing!
Totally understand, Jan. Get that writing done, and we’ll be here when you get back!
Thanks, Teri!
Good for you, Jan. I know how difficult decisions like this are (I’ve had to make them myself), but we can only do so much in the time available to us. Give yourself the breathing room you need, and best of luck with completing A Noble Bargain!
Yes, Mae, you also had to make a difficult decision, so you understand. Thank you so much for stopping by and for the good wishes!
I hear you Jan. I think we’ve all gone on hiatus at some time (s) in our blogging careers, especially when working on a book and dilemmas. We’ll be here when you are. Good luck. <3
Thank you, Debby!
Most welcome. 🙂
It’s a tough decision but I can understand. Please let us know when you’re back (I am no longer getting alert notifications). I follow you in other places, so a fe general announcements will do. Good luck to you on the start of this new project.
Thanks, Dan. Yes, I will let you all know when I’m back.
Such decisions are never easy, but I know you put a lot of time and reflection into this one, so I’m sure you made the right call. Best wishes.
You’re right, Staci. It was not an easy decision, but I know the world will not stop turning if I back away for a bit. Thank you so much for the encouragement! Hugs!
Sounds like the right choice for you. That’s what matters. Things get slow in the summer in blogland anyway. Good timing and best of luck with your project.
Thanks, Craig. I appreciate you stopping by and leaving a comment. It’s encouraging!
All the best with your writing process, Jan.
Thank you, Robbie.
I understand this so so much. Congrats to you, Jan, on making the decision for you and your book. 🙂
Thank you, Marlena!
Smart decision to put your energy where it’s needed. Happy writing, Jan xo
Thank you, Denise!
Yes! I love it when we take good care of ourselves and accommodate our priorities. You’re an inspiration, Jan. I’ll be taking the entire month of July off to do the same – get a book done for November (without getting so rundown that I get sick). Happy Writing and stick to the plan, my friend. Hugs.
Thank you for your kind words, Diana. We do push ourselves hard and sometimes it takes a toll on our health, then what? We don’t have the energy to do anything. So, I had to prioritize and once I made the decision, it felt good. I’m not leaving forever, just for a while. I wish you much success in finishing your book as well!
Sounds like an excellent plan. 🙂
Thanks, Diana1
I know this was a tough decision (since I just made a similar HUGE decision), but your stepping away from this means you are able to step more IN to your authoring, and that’s nothing but goodness. Enjoy taking something off your plate!
Awwww, thank you, Kristine. I know you understand. I love the positive aspect of stepping more IN to writing! I appreciate your comment more than you know!
As someone once said, “I’ll miss you [in the blogosphere] like a front tooth”. But I get it. A lot of people are making a similar decision.
I hated to make that decision, Jacqui, but I must focus on finishing this book before I return to regular blogging. Thank you for the kind words!
Good for you, Jan. You have to prioritize and follow your heart. I look forward to reading A Noble Bargain!
Thank you, dear Gwen. I do have to prioritize right now. My plate is full.
I totally understand your decision, Jan. I’m cheering you on in the background to finish A Noble Bargain, dear friend. And if I need a “Jan Sikes blog fix”, I’ll look at your past blogs. Take care! Hugs!
Lol, Mary. That is the beauty of blogging. They never go away once we publish them. Thank you for your encouragement and cheers! Hugs back!
Yes, blogging takes a lot of time. Good luck with A Noble Bargain!
Thanks, Priscilla!
I know. Something has to give. I think we put too much pressure on ourselves. I love the blurb and the concept of the story as well as your practice cover. This book will be another winner and deserves your attention. (I’m disappointed to find it harder to multi-task as I’m getting older. Is it just me?)
Thank you for understanding, Darlene. You’re right. We do put too much pressure on ourselves and at the end of the day, the world still turns regardless of what we did or didn’t do. I’m glad you like the blurb and mock-up cover. I’m giving the book my full attention!!
You GROW girl!
Yes, ma’am!! Hugs, Annette!
I LOVE that, Annette!