This is part of a series of posts I’ve entitled, “Stories From the Road.” Each week I will post a new story from Rick Sikes, a Texas musician who traveled the roads of Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico and out to California for well over twenty years. With hours to pass in a van full of sweaty musicians, they found ways to entertain themselves. These stories are told in Rick Sikes’ words. I’ll do my best to correct grammar, but I want to keep them in his own voice.
“I had the pleasure and honor of doing a few gigs with Little Jimmy Dickens. What a ball of energy he was and could charm the heck out of a crowd. Once in Houston, we were playing a place out on Airline Road, called “Dancetown USA.” It was a big place, one of the hottest joints on the circuit back then, and I played there often. Little Jimmy had a terrible cold that night, so we went on out to set up while he stayed at the motel because he was feeling really bad. I was on the stage hooking up equipment and this dear lady stumbled up to the stage (she was in her cups) and said, “Are you Little Jimmy Dickens?” I said, “No, Ma’am, I work for him.” She said, “He gave me something over twenty years ago and I’ve never forgot him. Will you tell me when he gets here?” I said, “Yes, Ma’am, I sure will.” When Jimmy came in and I stood beside him, his cowboy hat came just under my armpit. I said, “Jimmy, there is a lady here who thought I was you. She may be just a little bit drunk.” The little rascal looked up at me and said, “Son, if she thought you were me, she’s a hell of a lot more than a bit drunk.” Jimmy was a great showman and one of the few old-time acts working into his eighties. He was truly one of the greats in traditional country and it was a pleasure to work with him. ”

**Little Jimmy Dickens, was an American country music singer and songwriter famous for his humorous novelty songs, his small size (4’11” [150 cm]), and his rhinestone-studded outfits (which he is given credit for introducing into country music live performances). He started as a member of the Grand Ole Opry in 1948 and was inducted into the Country Music Hall of Fame in 1983. Before his death, he was the oldest living member of the Grand Ole Opry.**

Too funny! I wonder if the lady ever talked to Jimmy and what she wanted to say? Rick had a million stories. I often think he lived that many lives. He sure crammed in a lot of living. Love you, sister.
He never said if the woman came back. I would imagine that her husband got her out of there pretty quick. 🙂 Yes, I agree that he lived many lives and crammed in a lot. Maybe that is why he was so driven when he got out of prison because he lost those years. Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment, sister. I love you!
Yes, he did. And, I haven’t even gotten to the crazy antics his own band pulled. 🙂 Thanks for stopping in and commenting.
What a hoot! Rick worked with some pretty colorful characters 🙂 ♥
Life stories are always so interesting. And you never know it until you write about it. Nice post Jan.
Thanks, Shirley. I appreciate you stopping by and leaving a comment.
This was another awesome story! I loved the comment that the lady was a “Little” drunk, then seeing them together….I had a good laugh.
Thank you, D.L. I’m glad I gave you a chuckle for the day. I appreciate you stopping by and leaving a comment.
My mom used to play her LJD records when I was younger. I enjoyed seeing him make a small comeback with Brad Paisley in his later years. Enjoying these posts.
I’m glad these posts are stirring up some memories, Craig. Thanks for stopping by.
That was a really cute story, Jan. I remember hearing the name Little Jimmy Dickens when I was a kid, but never really knew who he was. I learn so much from these posts!
Yay! That is my goal, Mae. Thanks so much for stopping by and glad you are enjoying these personal views into music history.
This is a fun post, Jan. I didn’t realize the rhinestone outfits started with Little Jimmy Dickens. Hugs on the wing!
I love sharing these pieces of music history. It’s strange how it took me so long to realize that I needed to share these. When I knew Rick was dying, I often wished I could connect into his brain and download all of this history, but now I find that I have it – in bits and pieces, and in his words. Thanks, Teagan!
I can understand, Jan. I had an old friend and mentor way back in Nashville (I called him my adopted grandpa). I tried to write his WWII memoirs, but he couldn’t get his head around the fact that it needed more than dates and locations. LOL. Once I asked him what a particular ship/transport smelled like — now that got a reaction! But I had to relocate just as we were getting started, and we never got very far into the project. Now I so very much wish I had tried harder.
Great story, Jan. had to laugh when I scrolled down to the picture of Little Jimmy and Rick. A lot more than a little drunk indeed. 😀
Lol! Yep! Thanks, John.
Very interesting Jan. You make it so easy to visualize what you say, through your words.
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Oh, thank you, Judy. I appreciate you stopping by, but these words were straight from Rick’s mouth. He was a true storyteller.
These stories are always a treat to read. They offer a glimpse of Rick and the music world he lived in. Thank you for sharing these glimpses with us. 🙂
Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment, Gwen. I love sharing these stories. I’ve only got a couple more before I get to the Rhythm Rebels stories. 🙂
Jan- I love this story. I agree with Little Jimmy, if that lady thought Rick was Jimmy, I’d say she was a tad bit drunk. Lol
What a great story. I had such a great time with Linda, Jodi, and her husband Tom yesterday. I’m going iverceith them to Liberal today.
Wish you were here with us. Love and hugs from KS to you.
Hi, Tonya. I wish I was there with you guys too! Enjoy your visit and thank you so much for stopping by and leaving a comment. Big hugs to you, my friend!
Great, as ever, Jan. I look forward to Wednesdays. 🙂
Thank you, Sarah. And look!! You got your picture attached to your WordPress account. Way to go!