Jan Sikes

What You Should Be Reading Based On Your Zodiac Sign – Pisces

Welcome back for another look at what kinds of books you might be interested in if you are born under the sign of Pisces.

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Pisces are generally empathetic and compassionate with an intelligent and understanding mind. They often have a compassionate and artistic nature and have the tendency to be dreamers. Pisces is ruled by Neptune, the planet that focuses on creativity and imagination and tend to have a deep focus on escapism through fantasy. Aha! Escapism and Fantasy. As soon as I saw those words, I knew what books I’d recommend.

Under the Fantasy category, I cannot recommend this book enough! Hands-down, one of the best fantasies I’ve ever read!


If you are interested, you can read my review HERE.

Any book that can transport you to another place and time fits the definition of escapism. Craig calls his work Speculatiive Fiction. I just call it good! This book definitely allowed me to escape into another place.


You can read my review HERE!

Lastly, I want to share a book that fits with the intuitive or seeker side of Pisces.


I read this book in 2014 and while it was one of the most difficult exercises I’ve ever done regarding any kind of self-help, it was also so profound that I’ve never forgotten it. The book is designed to help you face the deepest and darkest parts of yourself and bring everything into the light where it can be dissipated. It is a combination of narrative and personal exercises that takes you on a healing journey that you never quite recover from, thank goodness! I highly recommend to anyone wanting to learn more about themselves and what makes them tick.

I hope you saw something here that intrigues you! Happy reading, Pisceans. Next up is Aries!

45 thoughts on “What You Should Be Reading Based On Your Zodiac Sign – Pisces”

  1. What a lovely surprise, Jan. Thanks for sharing the Tale of the Seasons’ Weaver. I think you’re right that it works for a Pisces personality. Lol. I loved Craig’s book and still think it’s one of my favorites of his. And thanks for the recommendation of Ford’s book. It sounds life-changing and your endorsement was moving. Thanks so much for the shout out and the fun post for March reading.

    1. When I read the words ‘fantasy and escapism’ I knew I had to share the “Tale of the Seasons’ Weaver.” Such a great story. And while I love all of Craig’s work, “Once Upon A Time In The Swamp” is definitely a favorite. Glad Debbie Ford’s book interested you. Thank you so much for visiting!

  2. I’m a Pisces and read a variety of books. I prefer fiction over nonfiction and my favourite is historical fiction with some romance thrown in. I especially like the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon because it has a bit of everything; history, romance, time travel, family dynamics, action and fantasy. I like your books for the same reason. xo

    1. Thank you so much for your comment, Darlene. The Outlander series was amazing and you are right, had a bit of everything thrown in. I appreciate the kind words about my books! Hugs!

  3. I’m not a Pisces but I loved Diana’s book, Denise. My husband is a Pisces (his birthday was yesterday) and he is very empathetic and compassionate, unafraid to show his emotions. After I read Diana’s book, I mentioned it to him because he loves fantasy. Thanks for introducing the other books too. xo

    1. Thank you so much, Lauren. I hope you husband gives it a try, of course. And I second the recommendation of Craig’s book. It’s my favorite of his and a great read.

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