Jan Sikes

Mama’s House

Happy Mother’s Day!


My mother was born in 1917. She was a young woman just married and starting a family during the Great Depression. The things she endured were beyond comprehension. But, she grew to be the strongest, most determined woman I ever knew. Born in May, she was a Taurus. No task was too big for her to tackle. I have a distinct memory, as a very young child, of Mom climbing up a ladder and putting a new roof on our house because Daddy was working too many long hours to do it himself. I like to think I get some of my grit from her.

She could make the best peach cobbler on the face of the earth and was most at home in the kitchen.

When she passed away, I wanted to create some sort of deserving tribute. I was driving down the highway between Coleman and Brady, Texas one day and this song came to me all at once and clear as a bell. I pulled over on the side of the road and wrote it. I hope you enjoy it and the photos that accompany it.

My tribute to Marian Edith Clark Smith.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UMgokBvn-MY?rel=0]

Thank you for listening.

33 thoughts on “Mama’s House”

  1. This is so beautiful, Jan. What a loving way to honor your mother. Your song has a haunting quality to it, haunting in a good way. As I read this and listened to your lovely song, I was filled with such love. Hugs to you, sweet sister, and Happy Mother’s Day ❤️

    1. Anyone who has read my books knows I didn’t always have a great relationship with my mother because of life choices I made, but that all disappeared when I had my children. She was my top supporter and helper. I’m so glad you enjoyed the tribute to her, Tina, and hope your Mother’s Day was awesome!

  2. My mother was born in May too, Jan.

    That’s a beautiful song and a beautiful tribute to your mother. I dreamed of my Mom last night. Maybe because today is Mother’s Day and it’s been nearly six years since she left this earth for Heaven.I know that I will see her again.

    Thank you for your beautiful share!

    1. How awesome, Mae. I love it when I dream of Mom. I always feel like she’s reaching out. I’m glad you enjoyed the song and yes, you will definitely see your mom again! Hugs!

  3. Jan, I have tears in my eyes listening to your song – wow! It captures the spirit of your mother wonderfully and with tenderness, her lives still touch you so, teaching you so much, giving you strength and love. The photos are so moving. You have a real gift for singing and music – do you play in a group or perform? Thank you so much for sharing your special song and memories. love & hugs xxx

    1. Thank you for your sweet comment, Annika. No, I do not play and sing in a group. I played and sang and wrote with Rick and since he passed away, my focus all went toward writing our story. You can find all our CDs here: https://www.jansikes.com/cds.html They are available wherever music is sold. 🙂 Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment.

      1. Jan, I found them on the music streaming service I have and am now listening to Forty Foot High! I love it and thank you so much for pointing me to them. Hugs xxx

      2. Btw, I just had a lovely three minutes or so watching the TV interview with you from 2016! You look great and are so composed and speak eloquently about your book and music! Hugs xxx

      3. You’ve just left me speechless, Annika. That you would take time to listen to some of the music streams touches my heart deeply! And to listen to my interview as well. Thank you SO much, Annika. You made my Monday! Hugs!

  4. Darn your hide, Jan!! You made me cry on Mother’s Day. So many memories pressing close today. I have never seen a couple of those pictures of you and me. Wow! Poor little kids. It’s a wonder we turned out to be worth two cents. I have to say I’m proud to be your big sister and stand with you during times of joy and sorrow. This is a great song and you were truly inspired to have captured the spirit of such an amazing mother in a few powerful words. I just love this song and I love you with all my heart.

    1. And now you’ve made me cry, sister. You have stood with me through times of sorrow and joy and helped me over so many hurdles. I was always the little sister and always will be. I love you!

  5. Jan- What a beautiful tribute to your Mom. I think this song is on the cd you sent me.
    She was born In A wonderful year. My Granny Lucas was born in 1917 and she was such an amazing woman who loved God, her family, and life.
    Your mom sounds like she was the rock that held your family together. I know she raise a beautiful family and I’m honored to have met 2 of her amazing daughters, who have truly inspired my life. 😘😘😘
    I hope you & Linda both have a Wonderful Mother’s Day.
    Love you both. ❤️❤️❤️
    Happy Mother’s Day and thanks for sharing this wonderful tribute with us all!!!

    1. Tonya, I speak for Jan in saying that we are blessed to have your friendship and love. This song is very special to both of us and I can’t listen without crying. What I wouldn’t give to go to Mama’s house again. Only it’s gone now as is the woman who inspired us to be the best we could. Love you, pretty lady!

      1. Linda- I’m truly blessed to have you both.
        You hold onto all those wonderful memories of your mom.
        Love you my sweet sister friend.

      2. You are so right, sister. What I wouldn’t give for one more of Mama’s wonderful hugs and a piece of her peach cobbler!

  6. Beautiful tribute to your mother, this strong and loving woman. I walk with you memory lane and see a woman
    that shines and knew how to spread love and laugh in adversity.
    Loved the song too.

  7. This is a lovely reflection and song, Jan. I so relate to “Moma’s house was full of memories…” Thank you for sharing this with us and brightening our day. Big hugs… ♥

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