Jan Sikes

#MondayMotivation – #Meditation – #RuneReading #DragonOracleCard

The theme for this week is all about manifesting desires, and it couldn’t be more timely for me. I have been invited to participate in The Western Film Festival in Coleman, Tx. on the 22nd to do a presentation in honor of Rick and his music career. This came out of the blue, as do a lot of opportunities.

My deepest and truest desire is to see our story made into a movie.

This is such a powerful meditation. Short, but strong!

Drawn to the runes for this week, the three that showed up astounded me.

Photo by Jan Sikes

Thurisaz is basically related to aspects of protection. It’s shape, a thorn on a branch, symbolizes the wisdom of choosing a defensive stance rather than rushing in when faced with an adversary. Consider this rune to be a friendly but stern warning to alert to potential danger. It also advises you to be mindful of your motives. Avoid opportunities that bring reward through deceit or dishonesty, remembering that what goes around comes around. In a strongly positive runecast (which I perceive this one to be) Thurisaz can indicate a powerful force of protection, luck and good health.

Othala has shown up for us before and is the final rune in the Elder Futhark. It is the rune of possessions and usually represents the things that money can buy. Often Othala can indicate that an aspect of your current situation is related to your background — perhaps unconscious beliefs you absorbed as a child or some other element that shaped your upbringing. This rune encourages a down-to-earth attitude in life. Othala also can represent family and encourages you to lean on them for emotional support.

The Wunjo rune is the one I chose to use in my White Rune Series. It signifies a happy-ever-after ending to a situation or dilemma. It is the rune of joy. Situations that have been difficult are resolved and optimism is renewed. It may be that a surprise development comes into your life that changes everything for the better. Bliss and harmony are present, and consistently so, when we take a balanced approach to life.

My Takeaway:

Analyze any situation you may find yourself in and take a defensive stance knowing you are protected, especially when the situation involves money or family. The outcome is one of joy and bliss when taking the high road.

Your thoughts?

I know I say this every week, but this may be my favorite Dragon card so far! Just gorgeous, and how well it fits with the rune reading!

45 thoughts on “#MondayMotivation – #Meditation – #RuneReading #DragonOracleCard”

  1. Oh my goodness, that is such a wonderful opportunity, Jan! Congrats to you & the legacy of Rick! <3
    Your reading for this week is quite perfect for my upcoming weekend. All about family, joy, and a happy ending. Thank you for sharing and inspiring us.

  2. D.L. Finn, Author

    I love this week’s message. I have been thinking about a family member and money situation. I keep hoping it will have a positive outcome. However it turns out I know I will be okay. I really hope you get a movie deal and congrats on participating in the film festival!

    1. Money situations can be stressful, Denise. I pray that everything turns out okay as well. I know we are here to learn lessons and that obstacles are presented to help us along that path, but sometimes the lessons are really hard. Thank you for the good wishes for the film festival. It’s a small effort to help get the story in front of more people. Have a great week and thank you for stopping by!

  3. Congratulations, Jan, for being invited to the Western Film Festival Texas. As always, I enjoy learning more about the runes. It is especially interesting that the rune, Thurisaz, symbolizes the wisdom of choosing a defensive stance rather than rushing in when faced with an adversary.

    1. Thank you, Linnea! I appreciate the kind wishes. I’m glad you enjoyed the runes this week. I relate so well to Thurisaz as I prefer passiveness rather than aggressiveness, so it’s easier for me to take the defensive stance. I hope you have a great week and thanks again for your comment today!

  4. Congrats on the film festival, Jan – how exciting! I don’t think I could choose a favorite dragon. They’ve all been beautiful.

    1. Lol! Me either. That’s why each new one that pops up is my favorite until the next one. 🙂 Thanks for the good wishes and for stopping by!

  5. Perfect rune readings for this confusing and upsetting time. Over time I have learned that a defensive stand is better all around. I love the Napolean Hill quote and have used it many times. Have a super week and good luck at the Film Festival.

    1. So true, Darlene! I have learned the same lesson. I don’t like to be aggressive, so it’s easy for me to take a defensive stance. Thank you so much for stopping by and for the encouraging wishes!

  6. What a powerful reading. Although, this time I don’t see a relation to my life right away (except for the family aspect with the absorbed thoughts – that is standing in my way). But however, those runes have a clear and strong message. They go into really deep layers. I love that.

    1. Thank you for stopping by Erika. The runes do have a clear and strong message and the dragon card backs it up as well. I’m so glad you enjoyed the post!

  7. Taking the high road is the best course. We are reminded when we pray “forgive our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us,” that the high road is approved at the highest level. Excellent post, Jan

    1. I love that reference, John. That is exactly what taking the high road means to me. Thank you so much for stopping by and adding to the conversation today! Happy Monday!

  8. Congratulations on your invitation to the Western Film Festival! Fingers crossed you get a movie deal! I’m not sure how this reading will manifest in my week just yet, but I’ll have my eyes open for it. Great reading, Jan! 🙂

    1. I totally agree with you, Yvette. We cannot see the future or what will unfold. So, we just stay present and stay in our peace. Thank you for the good wishes. Have a great week!

  9. brodaylinda932

    Jan, I love this reading and pray that it means this will bring good things our way. I feel really disjointed at the moment and unsure what I need to. I’m torn and thinking I probably made the wrong decision in jumping into this new project. I guess time will tell on that. Our sister is starting cardio rehab today and I hope this is an indication that she’ll benefit from it. Love you, Sister.

    1. I understand the disjointed feeling, sister. I’ve felt that way for a few days and this reading helped me get it in focus. The first one about taking a defensive stance is perfect for any situation and I loved that the outcome rune is so positive. I hope we both get that kind of outcome for our projects. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other. That’s what we do. And yes, I do hope our sister will be able to tolerate the cardio rehab. I’m sure she’ll be exhausted, but maybe in a good way. Love you bunches and thank you for stopping by!

  10. petespringerauthor

    There is nothing better than being able to pay tribute to the significant ones in our lives. I hope your presentation is filled with joy and happy memories.

  11. Gwen M. Plano

    Another wonderful reading, Jan. Thank you. Have fun at the film festival and bring back photos! 😊

  12. Congratulations for the appearance at the film festival. I’m sure that will be bitter sweet, but a chance to revisit wonderful memories.

    Love the Napoleon Hill quote.

    1. Thanks, Jacqui! Nothing ventured, nothing gained. It may turn out to be absolutely nothing, but it’s an opportunity I cannot pass up. Thanks for stopping by!

  13. What a honor regarding the presentation you’ve been asked to do, Jan! I know Rick must be smiling at that one. And you know how much I want to see your story with your husband and soulmate made into a movie. I’m waiting for that one, too 🙂

    Another beautiful dragon card. That whole deck is gorgeous!

    1. Thank you, Mae. Maybe with a big enough collective energy, the story can finally be converted to either TV or the big screen. Either would suit me just fine. The Dragon Card deck is beautiful. When I discover a new one, it instantly becomes my favorite until the next time. 🙂 Thank you for stopping by!

    1. Thank you, Joan. It is my truest and deepest desire. So when the film festival opportunity popped up, it fanned the glames. I appreciate you stopping by!

  14. A great message this week that many of us can relate to, I think. And a lovely dragon, too. Oh, I recently got a set of runes. Can you recommend a good source for learning to read them?

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